Family Portrait
你看他們這表情,像是會在意自己的數據嗎 XD
- 湖人板凳狂轟 73 分,是今年比賽中第一高的:
Jordan Clarkson
"It’s not about who’s starting, who’s coming off the bench…It’s about
us as a team growing & getting wins."
重要的是整個團隊的成長 & 還有贏下比賽。"
- Luke Walton said a big reason for offensive success has been Randle’s
ability to make plays for others at PF or C. 13 dimes in last 2 games.
藤總說攻勢順暢一個很重要的原因是 Randle 在四、五號位替隊友創造機會的能力。
Walton’s favorite stat from tonight: 36 assists, the most for LAL since
April 8, 2014 (38).
是湖人自從 2014年 4/8(38次)最高的一次。