藤總今天上節目接受觀眾 Call in 提問:
- Walton: "It's still all about: Are we continuing to work and do the little
things? ... We can still get so much better."
- 關於老鳥:
" Nick Young 投進了不少 big shots,Lou Williams 好幾次在第四節扛起球隊勝負。"
- 談他從禪師身上學到了什麼:
- on Julius:
而他的這種能力,也同時使他得到很多 open looks。"
- on D'Angelo Russell:
- LAL have a tough stretch coming up (Spurs, Bulls, OKC, Warriors (x2). Luke
stressed they need to continue to trust, whether they win or lose
on San Antonio Spurs(關於馬刺隊):
"In my opinion, they are the most professional team there is in this league."
- 談和大孩子混在一起生活有什麼改變:
"My old man cave is now the nursery."
"我的老人窩現在都變托兒所了。" XDD