Fw: Kobe Bryant Before Rafters Night: Q&A

作者: LakersSoul ( )   2017-12-19 03:23:25
※ [本文轉錄自 KobeBryant 看板 #1QE1MFTA ]
作者: LakersSoul ( ) 看板: KobeBryant
標題: Kobe Bryant Before Rafters Night: Q&A
時間: Tue Dec 19 03:22:26 2017
Kobe Bryant Before Rafters Night: Q&A
by Mike Trudell
Lakers Reporter
Posted: Dec 15, 2017
Kobe Bryant will return to Staples Center on Monday for his first Lakers game
since he (literally) dropped the mic after scoring 60 points in his grand
finale and train his eyes on the rafters, where his jersey(s) will be retired
to flank the rest of the Purple and Gold legends.
在他璀璨的 60 分告別戰並放下麥克風(各種意義上)之後,Kobe Bryant 將首次回到
Staples Center 參與湖人隊的球賽。他將親眼見證自己的球衣背號「們」加入紫金傳奇們
Bryant joined Lakers.com to discuss how he’s grown as a dad, why sports is a
perfect metaphor for life, his 60-point finale, his “Dear Basketball” film
and other projects, his jersey(s) retirement, the Lakers young players and more.
Kobe 接受 Lakers.com 專訪,談到他如何學習做為一個父親,為何他認為運動可以完美的
比喻人生,他的 60 分終曲,「Dear Basketball」影片以及其他專案,球衣號碼的退休,
Below is a transcription of the conversation:
MT: OK Kobe, let me start here … despite still being busy with Kobe Inc., have
you been able to spend more time with and enjoy your third daughter in a
different way from your first two girls when you were in the thick of your
playing career?
Kobe: Yeah, I’ve been able to be around way more and see her grow on a daily
basis. You know how you can go to sleep Monday night and wake up Tuesday
morning and she’s grown? But previously, you’d go on a road trip on Monday
for a week, come back and you’d miss her first word. So it’s awesome to see
the progression daily.
MT: OK Kobe...我們開始吧。雖然你目前仍忙於 Kobe Inc. 的工作,與你在現役球員時期
Kobe: 是啊,我更有時間待在她身邊,能夠看著她每天在成長。你懂你週一就寢,然後週
MT: How have you evolved as a dad, and how has that grown together as you
enter this stage of your professional life?
Kobe: I had to figure out how to teach. Parenting is teaching. How do you teach
your children to be upstanding citizens? How do you teach them that they can
accomplish what they set out to accomplish? How do you teach is the most
important thing. But stories certainly help. Even me, my kids can get tired of
what I have to say and what V* has to say, so I figured out the best way to do
that is to hide (teaching) in entertainment. Where they can see a video and
can learn and understand complex messages from animation, or song. Where they
can watch one of the (projects) we do like “The Golden Democracy” or
“Dear Basketball” and see something fun. They can learn something about the
game of basketball. But hidden inside both of those are really powerful life
MT: 以爸爸的身份來說,你的進展如何呢?在你邁入職業生涯第二階段的同時,它是以怎
Kobe: 我必須要學會如何教導,為人父母做的就是教導。要如何教育你的小孩成為令人驕
說故事是真的有用。以我來說,我的孩子們也會對我以及 Vennesa 說的話感到厭煩,即使
「The Golden Democracy」或「Dear Basketball」,從中尋找些樂趣。他們可以知道籃球
MT: I’ve always felt like sports is a great metaphor for life, but without the
consequences of politics or war, where you can learn about what hard work and
teamwork can do for you, what winning and losing means, and so on. From playing
at the highest level possible and now as a story teller, how do you look at
Kobe: Absolutely, because there’s no greater metaphor for life than sports
itself. The fact that we can have a collection of athletes that come from
different backgrounds, with different beliefs, different political views, but
yet can figure out a way to understand each other, how to work well with each
other towards a common goal … there’s no better metaphor for life than that.
So as a storyteller it’s about finding those little nuggets and pulling those
out, and having the story bring that to life. In this way, we can reach not
only the average basketball or sports fan, but also those who don’t watch
sports. Like “Dear Basketball,” which is a basketball film. But yet I have
people come up to me and say ‘I wasn’t a basketball fan at all, I wasn’t
thinking about basketball, but that film moved me.’ If we can do that, I feel
like we’re doing our jobs.
MT: 我一直覺得體育是人生一個很好的比較對象。體育能讓你學到努力以及團隊合作的好
Kobe: 你說得對,沒有比體育更能代表人生的東西了。我們面對著不同出身、不同信仰、
生連結,更能觸及平常不看運動比賽的人。像「Dear Basketball」,它是一部籃球影片,
MT: Because of all you accomplished and what you built, you can get into any
room. How do you now maximize what you built as an athlete and personality as
you move forward?
Kobe: We have a very, very solid team here. What we do is build and find
partners that believe in the core philosophy that sports is the greatest
metaphor for life. If they believe that and can see the potential in that they
will be great partners. From that standpoint, we have a great team of young
creators, artists and filmmakers to go out there and create the work.
MT: 以你的資歷和成就,接下來要做什麼事都不是問題。而在你向前的同時,你會如何善
Kobe: 我們擁有一支非常非常有料的團隊。我們要做的就是建立以及尋找同樣認為「體育
MT: There’s long been the thought that a competitor like you or
Michael Jordan wouldn’t want to coach, because it’d be hard to tolerate and
understand players that didn’t work as hard as you, or didn’t have the same
drive. How has it been as a parent and a boss at Kobe Inc. from that standpoint
Bryant: It’s different. In sports, when I was playing, you have certain
restrictions with the teammates that you have. You have some that won’t work
as hard as others and there is nothing you can do about it. You have to try and
drive them and pull them. But during the season you’re working with a time
crunch as well, so things need to be more immediate. If you’re playing Monday,
you’re playing Tuesday, or you have Finals or playoffs, that stuff creeps up,
so you have to drive and push a little bit more.
The industry I’m in now, with creativity … you don’t want to strangle the
creative process. You want to be able to give freedom and the ability to grow.
So my job really is just making sure we find the right talent, people that are
obsessive and love what they do, and creating an environment in which I put
them in the best possible situation to grow. And that is it. As a parent as
well, it’s just about being patient and teaching. Fortunately for us, both of
our kids are extremely, extremely hard workers. It’s also about how to process
failure, success and anxiety and all the things that emotionally (impact) kids
at that age. It’s our job to teach.
MT: 有個都市傳說是這樣說的:像你或 Michael Jordan 這樣的人,是不會去執教的。因
觀點來說,做為一個父親及 Kobe Inc. 的老闆比起作為教練又有什麼不同呢?
Kobe: 當然是不同的。在運動界,當我還在打球的時候,你是沒辦法挑選隊友的。有些人
MT: What was your goal with “Dear Basketball,” the short film you did
together with renowned animator/director Glen Keane and Oscar winning composer
John Williams?
Bryant: For me it’s just really exciting to be able to create this piece with
Glen and John. I’ve been a fan of Glen for years, and John, obviously. To
actually see Glen receive the accolades and praise that he’s deserved for
years and years of creating so many iconic characters has been a joy for me.
And for the story itself, I wrote it from a really, really personal place.
I’ve gotten a kick out of seeing people’s different reactions to the film,
because if we’re doing our jobs as storytellers, the reactions and
interpretations will be different for each person, in a sense. Because they’ll
relate it to something they’ve gone through personally. And it’s been a joy
for me to see those reactions from people and to hear what moved them and how
it moved them. As a storyteller, that’s what’s most enjoyable, to be able to
move people and take them to a place that was forgotten or an emotional turning
point in their lives.
MT:「Dear Basketball」, 你和知名動畫師 Glen Keane 及奧斯卡得主 John Williams
Kobe: 能和 Glen 及 John 合作這部作品實在讓我太興奮了。很顯然的,我是他們兩位的
死忠支持者。Glen 長年來創造了這麼多標誌性的腳色,看到他得到該有的讚譽,這是我的
MT: That makes me think of the 60-point game … how so many people were moved
by that night, and have that memory forever … something you gave them. You
can’t do it on the court anymore, but is this next phase at all about trying
to do it in a different way?
Bryant: That’s absolutely right. In that last 60-point game, what you see is
the action. You see what I’m doing. But as a storytelling company, we can’t
just simply show you what’s happening, we have to show you why it’s happening
. If you build in that character as it is happening how it leads to that place,
this way, you’re not only inspired by what you’re seeing, but it’s hitting
home personally if you understand why.
MT: 那讓我想到那場 60 分的比賽...,不知道有多少人被那晚所感動,而變成了永遠的回
Kobe: 沒有錯。在最後那場 60 分的球賽,你所看到的是動作,你看到了我實際在球場上
MT: So was the 60-point game basically a culmination of everything you were as
a player? Persistence, tenacity, endurance, footwork, skill, direct leadership…
Kobe: It was kind of a snap shot of the arc of my career, really. The struggles
to start. The ebbs and flows throughout the course of the game. Physically
being tired but pushing through. That perseverance. The footwork that was there
, the fundamentals of the game were there. But also the emotional strengths to
be able to have the inner confidence that this thing will turn around. It’s OK
. I don’t care if millions of people are watching, just focus on the thing you
love doing because you’re doing it for the last time. Being able to
emotionally find the enjoyment in that versus the burden of the pressure of the
MT: 所以那最後一場比賽算是你球員生涯的總訣式嗎?你的堅持、韌性、忍耐力、夢幻步
Kobe: 那比較像是我生涯的縮影,真的。開頭的連續不中,整場球賽中的潮起潮落。身體
MT: When the jersey goes up … is it going to be two different jerseys, or one
with the number slashed? Do you know?
Kobe: I have no idea. That is a great question. I have no clue.
MT: 當球衣升起的時候,會是兩件不同的球衣呢?還是一件上面寫著兩個號碼呢?你知道
Kobe: 不曉得,這是個好問題。我一無所知。
MT: Perhaps the building will be similar to how it was for the 60-point game,
with a ton of excitement, but without all the angst that was there for Game 7
against Boston. What are you expecting?
Kobe: I don’t know. I’m expecting a lot of energy. I myself am going to be
really excited to see a lot of people I haven’t seen in a long time. I’m also
really excited to share “Dear Basketball” with them. Something that’s really
personal, this whole journey, the beginning of the journey as a Laker all the
way to the culmination of having my jersey retired as a Laker.
MT: 球館裡面可能會像那場 60 分的球賽一樣,所有人都非常興奮,但沒有 Game 7 對抗
Kobe: 不知道耶,我想應該會充滿著能量。我自己對於能見到很久沒見的人們是相當興奮
,我也很期待要跟他們分享「Dear Basketball」這部影片,從我穿上湖人球衣開始,到球
MT: And for someone who grew up watching the greats of the game, I’m sure the
significance of being up there next to Magic, Kareem, Wilt, West and company
won’t be lost on you.
Kobe: No question. Those were muses to me growing up as a kid. To have my
jersey up there with them is a dream come true. My goodness, that’s insane.
MT: 對於一個看著 Magic、Kareem、Wilt、West 這些巨星長大的人來說,能成為在他們旁
Kobe: 絕對的。在我還是孩子的時候,他們就是我的繆思神。能在他們旁邊掛上我的球衣
MT: OK two quick ones about the current young Lakers. I know you had a
conversation with Brandon Ingram last season, and wonder what you’ve seen in
his development up to this point?
Kobe: He’s developing from what I’ve seen, and not just in the big games, but
in the games that aren’t nationally televised and don’t have fanfare around
them, still being able to perform at a really, really high level. It seems like
he’s starting to figure out the beat of the NBA game. Starting to figure out
the rhythm of the league. Starting to figure out the defensive packages that
he’s seeing night in and night out. It’s really exciting to see how he’s
MT: 最後兩個簡單關於現在年輕湖人的問題。我知道你上個賽季和 Brandon Ingram 有過
Kobe: 他一直持續在進步。不只是大比賽,連那些沒有全國轉播或球迷蜂擁的球賽,他都
能夠將自己維持在很高的水準。現在看來他已經慢慢搞懂 NBA 比賽的節奏,熟悉這個聯盟
MT: What would be your main point of emphasis to Lonzo Ball or really any of
the Lakers young players?
Kobe: Just focus on doing the work. You’ve been around me long enough, Mike …
you know it’s all about the work. No matter what you’re asked for stories or
(what may be good for) TV debates … it doesn’t really matter. In the end
it’s just about getting better. Focus on your game. That’s it.
MT: 你對於 Lonzo Ball 或其他年輕的湖人球員,有什麼重點要提醒的?
Kobe: 就是專注把事情做好。Mike...,你跟我共事夠久了,你知道最要緊的就是努力。不
作者: binorz (Binorz)   2017-12-19 03:38:00
作者: kkk1234 (Marylin4life)   2017-12-19 03:40:00
作者: goldenlen   2017-12-19 04:42:00
老柯真是很會說話 那個一件或兩件球衣的問題很有趣 XD
作者: essicjj (essicjj)   2017-12-19 06:15:00
作者: o0991758566 (洨馬力)   2017-12-19 07:52:00
作者: kenness1019 (肯尼濕)   2017-12-19 08:19:00
作者: rl55586 (Lakers)   2017-12-19 08:36:00
作者: bangch (BANG)   2017-12-19 08:37:00
作者: kbgarnett (Ice)   2017-12-19 08:39:00
作者: Dex5566 (德克斯特)   2017-12-19 08:46:00
作者: hasebe (煮熟的番茄)   2017-12-19 08:56:00
作者: Lattendue (Lattendue)   2017-12-19 09:44:00
作者: l95566 (馬英九下台)   2017-12-19 10:05:00
作者: tco (Malleability)   2017-12-19 10:05:00
作者: SuperKobe24 (趴趴熊)   2017-12-19 10:06:00
作者: rl55586 (Lakers)   2017-12-19 10:18:00
庫子馬 還寫信恭賀老大 真的很會
作者: MapleJ (Mr.J)   2017-12-19 10:37:00
推翻譯 現場太屌拉!
作者: bruce0331   2017-12-19 10:38:00
60分那場就是他生涯縮影 當時看到他帶球隊逆轉真的感動+激動落淚
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2017-12-19 10:45:00
推一個,沒想到還能再看到你 PO 文XD
作者: JoelEmbiid (JoelEmbiid)   2017-12-19 10:48:00
作者: toast1521 (憨吉在那邊憨)   2017-12-19 11:03:00
作者: jimli (阿健)   2017-12-19 11:04:00
作者: dwiee (K&L)   2017-12-19 11:05:00
感謝翻譯,Ball終於換鞋了!!! 希望能贏
作者: jimli (阿健)   2017-12-19 11:07:00
對面李文 curry zaza 嘴綠都不上 拜託爭氣點阿
作者: asghdf123 (小咘)   2017-12-19 11:07:00
作者: ru81l3   2017-12-19 11:07:00
老大看來就是覺得球哥的心態有必要加強,要對自己有自信,沒辦法誰叫球哥偶像是詹軍亞希望今天老大突然換球上場 XD
作者: l95566 (馬英九下台)   2017-12-19 11:09:00
作者: dragonjohn   2017-12-19 11:13:00
準備好了 T_T
作者: LakersSoul ( )   2017-12-19 11:35:00
@Kreen 很久沒寫東西了,人在外地倍思親啊
作者: lonzoslaker (Lonzo Ball)   2017-12-19 11:36:00
上一篇已經4年前了 XD
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2017-12-19 11:36:00
作者: LakersSoul ( )   2017-12-19 11:43:00
@Kreen 謝啦。是說今天應該要看到 kobeslaker 吧 XD
作者: huanbo (huanbo)   2017-12-19 11:44:00
kobe退休後 好像都沒來主場看過球?
作者: brucep (Greed is nature....)   2017-12-19 12:02:00
作者: kobeslaker (It's the end to me)   2017-12-19 12:04:00
只有我lag嗎 ptt好慢
作者: SULICon (監工小學徒(〞︶〝*))   2017-12-19 12:13:00
看到ID要跪拜<(_ _)>
作者: LakersSoul ( )   2017-12-19 12:37:00
@brucep 好久不見啊~我也好想 aval@kobeslaker 就等你了 XD@SULICon 拜什麼啊~人還沒死耶 XD
作者: SilenceWFL (小綠)   2017-12-19 12:51:00
作者: RAGERACER (Shut The Fuck Up)   2017-12-19 13:18:00
作者: yourngkovi (我也禮尚往來)   2017-12-19 13:39:00
作者: LakersSoul ( )   2017-12-19 14:56:00
@RAGERRACER 這邊應該是我拜碼頭齁

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