glen (哈棒波特5-棒棒堂的密令)
2022-02-08 22:31:33其實 Monk 的薪資問題王桑前面有發過文
這篇外電則是湖人有可能留下 Monk 的世界線
How the Lakers can afford to re-sign Malik Monk after his breakout season
The Lakers would need some help from Monk to keep the young guard in Los
湖人隊如何能重新簽下破繭而出的 Malik Monk
湖人隊需要這位年輕的後衛 Malik Monk 留在洛杉磯
Monk signed only a one-year contract with the Lakers last summer. When a
player becomes a free agent after only one year with a team, that team only
gains Non-Bird Rights on that player. Those rights allow the team to go above
the cap to re-sign that player, but only to give him a 20 percent raise. Most
players are happy to earn a 20 percent raise… but a 20 percent raise on the
minimum is, well, minimal. Monk isn't even making $1.8 million this season.
He's not going to stay in Los Angeles for the roughly $2.15 million those
Non-Bird Rights can get him. Teams are going to offer him several times more.
Monk 去年夏天與湖人隊簽了一年的底薪合約。當一名球員在一支球隊效力一年後成為自
由球員時,該球隊只能獲得該球員的非鳥權利。 這允許球隊超過薪資上限重新簽下這名
球員,但只能給他20%的加薪。 大多數球員都樂於獲得 20% 的加薪……但最低 20% 的加
薪是~嗯~微不足道的。 Monk 本賽季甚至沒有賺到180萬美元。他不會為了那些非鳥權利
可以得到他的大約 215 萬美元而留在洛杉磯。其他球隊將為他提供數倍的報價。
So how can the Lakers retain Monk? In a perfect world, they'd like to get his
full Bird Rights. When a team has full Bird Rights on a player, they can pay
him anything up to the max to stay with him. It takes three years to build
those rights, though, and keeping Monk in-house that long when he'll receive
more lucrative offers in the process seems relatively unlikely. Fortunately,
there's a possible compromise here.
那麼湖人隊如何才能留住 Monk 呢?完美的預想狀況是湖人想得到他的完整鳥權。當一支
。不過建立完整鳥權需要三年時間,而且讓 Monk 在球隊待那麼久,這樣他就會在這個過
If the Lakers can keep Monk in the building for one more season, they'll gain
his Early Bird Rights, a middle ground between the Non-Bird Rights they'll
have and the full Bird Rights they'd want. Early Bird Rights allow a team to
re-sign a player for 105 percent of the average player salary—the figure
used to determine the non-taxpayer mid-level exception. Such a deal would pay
Monk something in the neighborhood of $50 million over four years. Perhaps
more if the cap projections are optimistic.
如果湖人隊可以讓 Monk 在湖人裡再待一個賽季,他們將獲得他的早鳥權,這是他們將擁
105%重新簽下球員—也就是全額中產。這樣的合約將在四年內讓 Monk 取得5000萬美元的
That sort of contract is far closer to Monk's true value than the minimum,
but how can the Lakers compel Monk to wait an extra year in Los Angeles to
get the necessary Early Bird Rights? The only feasible answer right now would
be the taxpayer mid-level exception. The Lakers could, in theory, sign Monk
to a two-year deal worth roughly $13 million using that exception. The second
season would include a player-option, giving Monk the freedom to either
opt-out and test free agency (hopefully re-signing with the Lakers using that
Early Bird Exception), or, if things go poorly next season, opt-in and try
again with the knowledge that he would have Full Bird Rights with the Lakers
after that.
這種合約比底薪更接近 Monk 的真正價值,但湖人隊怎麼能強迫 Monk 在湖人多等一年才
能獲得必要的早鳥權呢?目前唯一可行的答案是小中產(6M)。 理論上,湖人隊可以利用
者如果下賽季情況不理想, Monk 可以撿起選擇球員選項再打一年,因為他知道在那之後
Is this going to be enough to retain Monk? That's hard to say. Fortunately
for the Lakers, very few teams are going to have meaningful cap space this
offseason. Detroit, San Antonio and Orlando are the three teams likely to
have real space, but all three have invested in multiple young guards over
the past few years. None appear especially likely to pursue Monk. A more
present threat would be some team offering Monk the non-taxpayer mid-level
exception. A bigger group of teams should have access to that exception if
they want it, and taking such an offer could guarantee Monk something like
$45 million over four years.
這足以留住 Monk 嗎?這很難說。對湖人隊來說幸運的是,很少球隊會在這個休賽期擁有
過去的幾年裡,這三支球隊都投資了多名年輕後衛。似乎沒有人特別有可能追求 Monk
。 一個更現實的威脅將是其他隊伍向 Monk 提供全額中產。如果他們願意,更多的隊伍
應該可以使用全額中產,並且接受這樣的合約可以保證 Monk 在四年內獲得大約4500萬美
That's life-changing money, and Monk hasn't gotten a big contract yet. If his
priority this offseason is to maximize earnings above all else, the Lakers
are probably out of luck. If he's happy in Los Angeles and wants to wear the
purple and gold for the long haul, though, he has a path to doing so if he's
patient. It's hardly an unprecedented path either. Bobby Portis took a very
similar route to remain with the Milwaukee Bucks this offseason. Nic Batum
took his Non-Bird 20 percent raise to stay with the Clippers, but like
Portis, he'll have the chance to cash in on an Early Bird deal in the
offseason. As an added bonus, players waiting for Early Bird Rights in this
way have the right to veto trades for a year.
這是會讓 Monk 帶來大量收入的薪水,而 Monk 還沒有得到一份大合約。如果他在休賽期
得很開心,並且想長期穿紫金戰袍,那麼如果他有耐心,他就有辦法做到這一點。 這也
不是一條無前例的道路。Bobby Portis 採取了非常相似的方式,在這個休賽期留在了密
爾沃基公鹿隊。Nic Batum 將他的非鳥加薪20%留在快艇隊,但和 Portis 一樣,他將有
But if someone offers Monk the full non-taxpayer mid-level exception, the
Lakers will have almost no recourse to match that offer. So long as LeBron
James and Anthony Davis remain on the roster, it would be impractical for
them to operate below the salary cap even if they could trade Russell
Westbrook away and create the necessary space. One long shot that would be
more trouble than it's worth would be to convince Westbrook to opt-out of his
contract and re-sign a longer-term extension with a lower salary next season.
If his cap number dips low enough, the Lakers could potentially create enough
flexibility to use the heftier non-taxpayer mid-level exception themselves
and offer Monk that same deal in the $45 million range right away. This, of
course, would be a bad idea because it would mean committing multiple seasons
to Westbrook.
但如果有人向 Monk 提供全額中產,湖人隊幾乎無計可施。 只要 LeBron James 和
Anthony Davis 留在陣容裡,即使他們可以交易 Russell Westbrook 並創造必要的薪資
空間,他們面對薪資上限也動彈不得。 說服 Russell Westbrook 選擇換約並在下個賽季
以較低的薪水重新簽下一份更長期的續約,這將比它的價值更麻煩。 如果他的薪資數字
4年/4500萬美元的向蒙克提供全額中產。 當然,這不是一個好主意,因為這意味著要讓
Westbrook 在湖人待更久。
In the end, that is going to put the ball in Monk's court. If he wants to be
a Laker, there is a way for him to stay put and position himself for a fair
contract down the line. He'd just have to be patient enough to wait out that
extra year in order to get it.
最後這取決於 Monk 真正的想法。 如果他想長留湖人並為為自己安排一份公平的合約。
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:34:00我是覺得要打出競爭力,如果還是鳥戰績,當然免談可以衝到二輪或西決以上,Monk可能就願意留了
glen (哈棒波特5-棒棒堂的密令)
2022-02-08 22:36:00說服方式這取決於現在湖人管理層的腦子 這點才讓人擔憂...
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:36:00因為他現在去別隊頂多也10M出頭,但打到奪冠身價就上去
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:37:00了,那若湖人很有競爭力,他那麼年輕很可能想拚一次冠軍
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:38:00NBA球員有個冠軍加持,身價就有差了
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:40:00他如果之後冠軍加身衝到15~20M,犧牲一年拿6M也還好
glen (哈棒波特5-棒棒堂的密令)
2022-02-08 22:41:00Josh Richardson是熱火選秀培養幾年之後交易到塞爾提克的吧
glen (哈棒波特5-棒棒堂的密令)
2022-02-08 22:42:00這隻賽隊球迷才知道實際狀況XD
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:42:00所以當務之急就是趕快拿龜加首輪換牆,然後衝到前六27首輪就能選到Monk嗎?我是覺得還不容易
glen (哈棒波特5-棒棒堂的密令)
2022-02-08 22:44:00如果20M那真的很看好 因為這是不錯的年輕鋒線長約的價碼
X41822N (Nova)
2022-02-08 22:44:00在我湖能跟他競爭位置的都是一年約老將,留下來吧
X41822N (Nova)
2022-02-08 22:46:00覺得monk進攻沒問題,但防守身材是硬傷,這幾場對比季初的防守已經好很多,但應該不至於有球隊會開20m給他吧
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:47:00而且Monk跟AD搭配超好,又很年輕
glen (哈棒波特5-棒棒堂的密令)
2022-02-08 22:48:00如果是會談約的球隊 夠厲害的會跟他簽2Y/2400萬 這可攻可守
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:48:00AD如果看到我湖連Monk都走了 LBJ退休 他還會想留嗎?這樣的湖人比鵜鶘還慘
OsmanGo (Osman)
2022-02-08 22:49:001+1 13M感覺也不是不可能 其實現在成績跟去年Nunn也差不多 Nunn就是簽一樣的合約
作者: Tain02 (田僑仔) 2022-02-08 22:49:00
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:50:00湖人如果0輪遊 換做我就選2Y/2400萬
OsmanGo (Osman)
2022-02-08 22:50:00老詹如果走人 那可能直接考慮賣AD重建比較實際
OsmanGo (Osman)
2022-02-08 22:51:00我是指兩年13m 1+1的合約 內文也有寫
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:51:00以球員的角度待爛隊別人也會懷疑你的實力
作者: LBJKO 2022-02-08 22:52:00
JR是先在小獨過水後 被交易到青賽的
OsmanGo (Osman)
2022-02-08 22:52:00Monk未必能在外面找到全額中產的報價 如果只有7-8m的報價 那降一點點留湖人也是很合理
lon0623 (broaden)
2022-02-08 22:53:00就像國王隊的球員也會掉價一樣
作者: LBJKO 2022-02-08 22:53:00
他是有D沒有外線的後衛 你可以想做Sg 版本的SJ
OsmanGo (Osman)
2022-02-08 22:53:00Monk現在磨合的好 但他防守的問題還是在
作者: sshow0904 (sshow0904) 2022-02-09 00:02:00
lwei781 (nap til morning?)
2022-02-09 04:41:00要6M 留Monk, Vogel 可能要同捆全額小中產是一定要給 1+1 或 2+1
去年的harris/MB這種射手 公道價是1500~2000萬monk今年持續表現 大概會拿到中產以上的薪資但大概是3年4500左右的價格 長約現在很少球隊願意開
rfvtgb (........)
2022-02-09 10:17:00Monk6-3非控衛 加上過往給人少根筋的感覺 一定會被質疑是否只是一年行情 所以我也認為他拿到全額中產機會最高 要用薪資空間的球隊 太多球員順位在他前面了我們大概可以用小中產+保證先發 這大概是我們的極限