[美網] Nalbandian第三輪賽後訪問

作者: Kovalchuk ( )   2011-09-06 20:21:21
An Interview With: David Nalbandian
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Q. First of all, what are your thoughts on how Rafa is playing right now?
How would you describe the match today?
DAVID NALBANDIAN: I think I play a good first set. I had my chances. I
couldn't take it. Rafa was I think he played good. He didn't do a lot of
mistakes, which is normal in his game. I think he played very good, as well.
Q. What are your thoughts about his level in general right now? Obviously
he's lost the No. 1 ranking to Djokovic. How do you see things shaping up
here for the second week at the Open?
DAVID NALBANDIAN: Well, he's a great fighter, so he's gonna fight every day.
I believe that Rafa can improve a little bit more, and even during this
week. Today was a little windy, a little tough to play sometimes. But I
think he can play better.
Q. About Rafa, forgive me if you addressed this: What do you think of his
serve today? How effective was that? It seemed a little more conservative
DAVID NALBANDIAN: Yeah, I think he tried to play with first serve today,
maybe some tactical things.
Q. Going for the percentage?
DAVID NALBANDIAN: Yeah, I think so. Well, I don't know. You have to ask
整篇都是在問Rafa ...
作者: starred (你可以讓我期待嗎)   2011-09-07 00:04:00
他第一盤打得不錯 就是UE太多了.....

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