[分享] 藥師琉璃光如來十二大願中英文版

作者: a876352000   2023-04-27 21:01:08
佛告曼殊室利:「東方去此,過十殑伽沙等 佛土,有世界名淨琉璃,佛號藥師琉璃光 如
來、應正等覺,明行圓滿、善逝、世間 解、無上士、調御丈夫、天人師、佛、薄 伽梵。

The Buddha then said to Bodhisattva Manjusri: “To the east of this world,
past countless buddha lands, there exists a world called Pure Lapis Lazuli.
The buddha of that world is called the Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light
Tathagata, Arhat, the Completely Enlightened, Perfect in Wisdom and Conduct,
Well Gone, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed One, Skilled Tamer, Teacher of
Heavenly and Human Beings, Buddha, and World Honored One. Manjusri, when the
World Honored Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata was practicing the
bodhisattva way, he made Twelve Great Vows so sentient beings may have all
their wishes fulfilled. They are:
第一大願:願我來世,得阿耨多羅三藐三 菩提時,自身光明,熾然照耀,無量無數 無
邊世界,以三十二大丈夫相,八十隨好, 莊嚴其身;令一切有情,如我無異。
“The first great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain unsurpassed
complete enlightenment, my body will shine forth brilliant rays, illuminating
infinite, countless, boundless realms. Endowed with Thirty-two Marks of the
Great One and Eighty Auspicious Characteristics, I can enable all sentient
beings to become just like me.
第二大願:願我來世,得菩提時,身如琉 璃,內外明徹,淨無瑕穢;光明廣大,功 德
巍巍,身善安住, 燄網莊嚴,過於日月; 幽冥眾生,悉蒙開曉,隨意所趣,作諸事業。
“The second great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, my body will be translucent inside and out, like lapis lazuli,
with brightness and flawless purity. This great, radiant body will be adorned
with superlative virtues and dwell peacefully in a mesh of light more
magnificent than the sun or moon. The light will awaken the minds of all
beings dwelling in darkness, enabling them to engage in their pursuits
according to their wishes.
第三大願:願我來世,得菩提時,以無量 無邊智慧方便,令諸有情,皆得無盡所受 用
“The third great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, with infinite wisdom and skillful means, I will enable all
sentient beings to obtain inexhaustible goods so that they will never again
lack anything.
第四大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若諸有 情,行邪道者,悉令安住菩提道中;若行 聲聞
“The fourth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, if there are those who follow evil ways, I will set them all
upon the bodhi path; if there are those who cultivate the path of the sravaka
or pratyekabuddha, I will set them onto the Mahayana path.
第五大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若有無 量無邊有情,於我法中,修行梵行,一切 皆
令得不缺戒,具三聚戒;設有毀犯,聞 我名已,還得清淨,不墮惡趣!
“The fifth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, I will help the countless sentient beings who cultivate
morality in accordance with my Dharma to observe the precepts to perfection,
in conformity with the Three Sets of Pure Precepts. Upon hearing my name,
even those guilty of disparaging or violating the precepts will regain their
purity and avoid descending into the wretched destinies.
第六大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若諸有 情,其身下劣,諸根不具,醜陋、頑愚、 盲、
聾、瘖、瘂、攣躄、背僂、白癩、癲 狂、種種病苦;聞我名已,一切皆得端正 黠慧,諸
“The sixth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, sentient beings with inferior bodies, deficient senses and
abilities, who are ugly, stupid, blind, deaf, mute, crippled, hunchbacked,
leprous, insane, or suffering from various other illnesses—upon hearing my
name, they will obtain bodies with fine features endowed with intelligence,
intact senses and abilities, free of illness and suffering.
第七大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若諸有 情,眾病逼切,無救無歸,無醫無藥,無 親無
家,貧窮多苦;我之名號,一經其耳, 眾病悉除,身心安樂,家屬資具,悉皆豐 足,乃
“The seventh great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, sentient beings afflicted with various illnesses, with no one
to help them, nowhere to turn, no physicians, no medicine, no family, no
home, who are destitute and miserable, will, when my name passes through
their ears, be relieved of all their illnesses. With mind and body content
and at peace, they will enjoy home, family, and property in abundance, and
eventually realize unsurpassed enlightenment.
第八大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若有女 人,為女百惡之所逼惱,極生厭離,願捨 女
身;聞我名已,一切皆得轉女成男,具 丈夫相,乃至證得無上菩提。
“The eighth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, if there are women who are extremely disgusted with the
numerous feminine afflictions, and wish to abandon their female form, upon
hearing my name, they will be reborn as men endowed with noble features, and
eventually realize unsurpassed enlightenment.
第九大願:願我來世,得菩提時,令諸有 情,出魔羂網,解脫一切外道纏縛;若墮 種
種惡見稠林,皆當引攝,置於正見,漸 令修習諸菩薩行,速證無上正等菩提!
“The ninth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, I will help all sentient beings escape from the demons’ net
and free themselves from the bonds of heretical paths. Should they be caught
in the thicket of wrong views, I will lead them to correct views, gradually
inducing them to cultivate the ways of the bodhisattva so that they will
promptly realize unsurpassed complete enlightenment.
第十大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若諸有 情,王法所錄,繩縛鞭撻,繫閉牢獄,或 當
刑戮,及餘無量災難凌辱,悲愁煎迫, 身心受苦;若聞我名,以我福德威神力故, 皆得
“The tenth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, those sentient beings who are shackled, beaten, imprisoned,
condemned to death, or subjected to countless miseries and humiliations by
royal decree, and who are suffering in body and mind from such oppression,
need only hear my name to be freed from all those afflictions, due to the
marvelous power of my merits and virtues.
第十一大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若諸 有情,饑渴所惱,為求食故,造諸惡業; 得聞
我名,專念受持,我當先以上妙飲食, 飽足其身,後以法味,畢竟安樂,而建立 之。
“The eleventh great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, if sentient beings who are tormented by hunger and thirst,
creating evil karma in their attempts to survive, should hear my name, recite
and uphold it, I will first satisfy them with the most exquisite food and
drinks. Later, with the flavor of the Dharma, I will establish them in the
realm of peace and happiness.
第十二大願:願我來世,得菩提時,若諸 有情,貧無衣服,蚊虻寒熱,晝夜逼惱; 若
聞我名,專念受持,如其所好,即得種 種上妙衣服,亦得一切寶莊嚴具,華鬘塗 香,鼓
“The twelfth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain perfect
enlightenment, if sentient beings who are utterly destitute, lacking clothes
to protect them from mosquitoes and flies, heat and cold, and are suffering
day and night, should hear my name, recite and uphold it, their wishes will
be fulfilled. They will receive all manners of exquisite clothing, precious
adornments, flower garlands and incense powder, and will enjoy music and
entertainment to their heart’s content.
1. Translated by the Chung Tai Translation Committee September 2009 From the
Chinese translation by Tripitaka Master Xuan Zang, 7th Century

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