[情報] Daily Horoscope 04/02

作者: kaorikaze (化做千風)   2016-04-01 20:48:46
There is something you don't like about yourself, Leo, and it may have to do
with the way you relate to people. This may be a nervous habit, or it may just
be that you relate in a big, bold way that not everyone understands. You have
been quite critical of yourself recently. You have so much to offer. Your big
personality is matched by your big heart and your generous spirit. If someone
can't relate to you, or is intimidated by your charm and your larger-than-life
persona, then maybe they just aren't right for you. Be yourself, and the right
people will gravitate to you.
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作者: dreaming1917 (夏)   2016-04-02 20:26:00
推 每次都從這裡得到正能量TAT

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