[情報] Daily Horoscope 07/20

作者: kaorikaze (化做千風)   2016-07-19 22:10:44
Do you show your appreciation for a certain person who is always there for
you, who offers you support and inspiration, and who would never even think
of letting you down? Maybe you haven't even thought about whether you give
this person their due, or whether you show how much they mean to you. This is
a good time to start thinking that way, Leo. This person may be such a
fixture in your life that you don't even realize you aren't acknowledging
your gratitude. But it isn't too late to do just that.
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作者: Starblue1997 (子晴)   2016-07-19 22:55:00
謝謝每日分享!( ′ ▽ ` )ノ
作者: maplemonster (晚颺)   2016-07-19 23:13:00

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