[情報] Daily Horoscope 10/31

作者: kaorikaze (化做千風)   2016-10-30 21:51:37
What is the remedy for feeling pent-up, nervous, stressed, and afraid? Perhaps
it is to spend time with someone who is lighthearted and free-spirited. Do you
know someone who matches that description, Leo? If not, there are other ways to
lighten your heart and free your mind from fear and anxiety. Go see a comedy,
put on some inspiring music, or read a self-help book. Do whatever it is that
will free you of your worrisome state of mind, and inspire you toward a
stronger mindset.
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作者: gwendoli0209 (iris)   2016-10-31 16:08:00
5樓 對恐怖情人最好不要單獨見面提分手啊

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