[情報] Daily Horoscope 6/26-7/2 周運勢

作者: kaorikaze (化做千風)   2017-06-25 20:26:31
A leadership opportunity could arise for you this week that will make you feel
both really special and really inferior. That may seem like a strange
combination of emotions, Leo, but this is something that is so meaningful to
you that the fear of failure may play a role in your reaction. While you are
certainly capable of handling the chance that will be offered to you, you may
question that fact. You may wonder who would choose you for this, and you may
begin to question that person's credibility and judgment. But don't go there.
Use this week to build yourself up to the point where you can easily recognize
why you were chosen, and come to see it as a natural choice - because that is
precisely what it is.
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