[情報] Daily Horoscope 7/18

作者: kaorikaze (化做千風)   2017-07-17 22:22:30
You may have a preconceived set of ideas and expectations about the people in
your life. You are someone who notices patterns, and you have a rather good
sense of human nature. But you do tend to fall back on predictions based on
the past, and you can't always go by that. Someone in your world is going to
surprise you. This person may have let you down in the past, Leo, but things
are changing. Try to adjust your attitude and your outlook, and choose to
expect the best.
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作者: maplemonster (晚颺)   2017-07-17 23:10:00
作者: dollylai2002 (沉默*花)   2017-07-17 23:50:00
推 謝謝翻譯 但不敢期待啊怕落空QQ
作者: Starblue1997 (子晴)   2017-07-18 00:38:00
周一不太好,希望今天(周二)會更好推 事情看好的那一面

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