[情報] Daily Horoscope 10/30-11/5 周運勢

作者: kaorikaze (化做千風)   2017-10-29 22:00:30
An important memory from the past may pervade your thoughts this week, Leo,
but this isn't just about reminiscing. The universe is sending you a message
in the form of nostalgia and reflection, and offering you a chance to
recreate something that didn't work for you way back when. If you indulge
this idea, and you explore it further, you will want to put it into action in
the present, and this time, you will likely find success. This week also
offers insight into a friend's or family member's unusual behavior. You may
make a discovery that sheds light on something that was very confusing. Once
you do, though - many things - even some that were seemingly unrelated, will
begin to make perfect sense.
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