[情報] 4/24 DailyHoroscope

作者: stuj9019 (MLGPRO)   2018-04-23 07:51:34
You may be feeling rather moody today, Leo. You have a lot on your shoulders,
and your state of mind may fluctuate between quietly happy and loudly irritate
d. Even those who know you best might not understand your mood. But the challe
nges you are facing now could be dragging you down. You don't need to beat you
rself up over your emotions on top of that. Be extra kind to yourself today. A
llow yourself to feel what you are feeling without remorse. This day will grow
increasingly better if you do.


懶人包:既然現在的情況不允許自己當個工作狂 那就讓自己放一天假吧


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