You may find yourself in great need of serenity and harmony this week, and
you will go to the ends of the earth to seek it out. There are many places
you can look, but you do know that these things can only truly be found
within. However, to set the tone for your quest, you may want to look into
hypnosis recordings that can help you tap into your inner light. You could
also meditate or speak peaceful affirmations. Whatever way you choose, Leo,
doing this on a regular basis can keep your mind, body, and spirit aligned.
You may experience a powerful surge of creativity this week as well. Indulge
this feeling by spending some time on a favorite creative habit or by seeking
out a muse to inspire you. For you, this may be a favorite musical piece or
artwork that moves you. If you haven't spent any time using your talent
recently, you may be surprised by the fascinating ideas you come up with.
Late in the week, someone may use an argument that demonstrates a double
standard. Although this is unfair, you may not be able to get through to the
individual. However, you certainly have the right to say no to participating
in this person's activities.