stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-07-28 00:14:05You are not a quitter. What's more, Leo, it would bother you tremendously if y
our adoring crowd ever saw you as a quitter. That may be why you are hesitant
to give up on something that has turned out to be unworthy of your time. You m
ay be trying to find ways around this so that you don't have to walk away. You
may be trying to resurrect the possibilities here, but there may be no way to
do that. Walking away is not quitting when you discover that a pursuit holds
no hope. Be strong and do what you know you have to do.
你不是一個輕言放棄的人。 更重要的是,如果你欣賞的人把你視為一個會輕言放棄的人
,那將會給你帶來大大的麻煩。 這可能就是你對於放棄一些你無法達成的事情猶豫不決
你可能正在試圖找到解決方法,以便你能夠兩者兼顧。 你可能正試圖去尋找能夠兼顧二
者的可能性,但你可能沒有辦法做到這一點。 當你發現兩者無法兼顧時,放下其中一件