stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-08-14 00:32:35When your mind, body, and spirit are in proper balance, you are far less likel
y to nurture fear or to engage in pointless worry. When you are not in harmony
with yourself and with the world around you, though, you invite negative ener
gy, which leads to fear and worry. It can become a vicious cycle. It is very i
mportant, Leo, to work on finding the best way to fine-tune yourself to be mor
e receptive and connected to the powerful positive energies that are surroundi
ng you. Work on that now.
當你的思想、身體和心靈處於適當的平衡狀態時,恐懼和擔憂自然會遠離你。 但是,當
這一切可能會成為一個惡性循環。 但重要的是努力尋找最好的方法來調整的狀態自己,