stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-09-23 23:15:35The sky is blue. This is an indisputable fact, right? However, Leo, if you wer
e to ask a color-blind person about the hue of the sky, they might very well s
ee it as a yellowish color. The color-blind person is right because that's the
ir perception. If you have a misunderstanding with someone today, Leo, keep in
mind that they just may see things differently than you, based on their own e
xperiences. Remembering this should help pave the way for better tolerance and
understanding with this person, as well as generally in life.
天是藍的,這是不變的事實,對吧? 但是,如果你問一個色盲天空是什麼顏色,他們很
他們也沒錯,因為他們看到的就是那樣。 如果你今天誤解了某人,請記住,每個人看事