stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-09-29 21:43:17There may be someone in your life that you have been trying to "change." Wheth
er this is a friend, a family member, or a romantic partner, you need to know
that you can only have a certain impact on someone else's character. It's one
thing to work together to improve a relationship, but it's another thing entir
ely to expect that you can change someone's nature. If you have done all you c
an to improve things with few results to show for it, then you might have gone
as far as you can. However, Leo, you may yet see a glimmer of hope. Hang in t
你的生活中可能有人正在在嘗試“改變”。 無論他是朋友,家庭成員還是伴侶,你都需
但是,你可能仍然會看到轉變的希望。 讓子彈飛一會兒