stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-10-12 22:12:50Sometimes when we think about compromise, we don't see it in the correct way.
You may be on the verge of compromising on something now, and there may be som
e element of resentment on your part. That could be because you see it as givi
ng in to someone else. You may not see it as meeting someone else halfway - bu
t that's what compromise essentially is. You are each giving something up to g
et something you want. Try to see compromise as a gift you are giving each oth
er. If you can adjust your attitude towards compromise, you'd be much happier
for it.
你現在可能就處在妥協的邊緣,而這件事可能會引起你的不滿。 那可能是因為你認為妥
事實上,妥協是每個人都放棄一些東西以獲得想要的東西。 嘗試將妥協視為彼此贈送的