stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-11-03 20:41:11You may have become somewhat attached to an opportunity that has already passe
d you by. When it was new, Leo, you may not have felt ready for it. But now, l
ooking back, you may feel as though you made a mistake. But you can't recaptur
e a past chance. Don't second-guess yourself. If you didn't feel good or right
about this back then, there was probably a good reason for it. Put your focus
, instead, into something new that is coming along soon.
你可能對一個已經逝去的機會有些依依不捨。 那個時候,你可能還沒有為此做好準備。
但你無法改變已經發生的事。 不要一再懷疑自己。相反的,將注意力放在即將出現的新