ok66 2017-01-21 02:49:28It's been a long time since the last time I wrote something in my poor English
I think you may be able identify me
It's about half year from our last approach
During this 6 months or so, I've been through another suffering shits..
Finally it's going to be the end soon..
So as usual, I begin to look back, trying to figure out what I've done,
I should have done,
I could have done
By the way, life didn't get better after I got rid of you
I don't specifically want to say anything
I try to find your shadows on the internet
But you are always good at hiding you
I can't find you and actually I'm not trying to reach you
I just wanted to know if you change a lot? Are you still the person I used to
know.. the one who's always trying to make himself attractive or in our last
conversation.. pathetic lier...
Hopefully you've grown up a little which in my personal opinion that is to
be honest in anyways, no matter towards people or yourself
Still I think I need to thank you for recording things happened in words
which can remind me of the old me.. what I've come through.. how different I
was from current me..