[情報] Daily Horoscope: Libra August 18, 2017

作者: preikestolen (flying up high)   2017-08-18 10:22:35
出處:Daily Horoscope: libra
Buck authority? If it's called for, you're ready to put up your dukes and
fight it out. This one issue you've been dealing with lately has really
gotten under your skin, and you're willing to do what it takes to make your
point. Well, good for you
作者: preikestolen (flying up high)   2017-08-18 10:43:00
感謝樓上xu11021大,平日常看到您幫忙貼文我今天只是查了一下外國的說法,也得空順手一翻覺得外國的兩個文感覺比較貼近天平網友卡到的逆境感感謝xue11021大,您真的人很熱心,果然是我們天平掛我是沒有裝那個app,平日我靠我們這個板再看這個我大概懂得你的意思。有時看了說法覺得和自己不吻合就覺得不想貼上來啊。不過還是很仰仗您平日熱血貼文啊~ 我是懶人~>_<~

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