xul1021 (擋不住的魅力)
2017-09-04 06:55:11Libra horoscope for September 4 - September 10
Libra horoscope for September 4 - September 10
You give very generously of yourself, Libra - sometimes to the extreme - but y
ou always feel bad anyway when you have to turn someone down. But you are not
superhuman, and you can't keep going until you fall over. You may receive a la
rge number of requests for your time and attention this week, but obviously, y
ou can't say yes to all of them. You have a lot of your own stuff to deal with
, and giving more than you have now will result in less than stellar performan
ces in other areas of your life. Use this time to practice not feeling guilty
when you can't please everyone, because that's just not possible. Count on a l
ot of activity in your family life this week too. A drama king or queen may tr
y to stir up trouble, but your mediation skills can help everyone avoid a melt
down. Focus on remaining harmonious with the world around you, and you'll have
a successful week.