xul1021 (擋不住的魅力)
2017-10-16 10:23:59Libra horoscope for October 16 - October 22
Libra horoscope for October 16 - October 22
Someone has been trying to tell you what to do. They are doing so under the as
sumption that they know what's best for you. Although you may have initially f
elt confident in your own choices and your own guidance, Libra, this person ma
y be weakening your resolve. But this week, this may all come to a head. Befor
e it does, you need to think it all through so that you know where you want th
is to go, and how you want to deal with it. If you are prepared, you will have
answers that make good sense, and you will feel confident once again. By Satu
rday, romance may come calling. If you are attached, your special someone coul
d stir your heart with special plans or perhaps a touching gift. If you are si
ngle, take the opportunity to get out and mingle - you may meet someone specia