xul1021 (擋不住的魅力)
2018-01-29 10:34:06Libra horoscope for January 29 - February 4
Libra horoscope for January 29 - February 4
You should be feeling clearer about the path ahead of you now, Libra. You emer
ged from the fog late last week, and your emotions have been catching up with
your newfound clarity. This week should be light and airy and filled with posi
tive thoughts and a lot of hope for your future. You may receive an offer of a
ssistance from someone who knows about a dream of yours and is willing to help
you make it come true. Don't be stubborn - say yes to any offers of assistanc
e you receive. By the middle of the week, news on an application of yours - fo
r a job, a car, a home, or something that requires you to "sign on" - could co
me to you. Don't worry, whatever the outcome, it will be positive. For the rem
ainder of the week, you may have to deal with mundane chores and regular work
duties, but someone interesting could make it all a lot more fun. This may be
someone new, but it is someone you should hang out with more often. With a com
plicated project that arrives on your desk late in the week - just keep it sim
ple, and it will go easy and smooth.