2020-11-30 02:19:57Libra horoscope for 11月 30 - 12月 6
When you look up at the sky and see a rainbow after a hard rain, it can serve
as a reminder that even the most difficult days can turn out quite
beautifully. This week, Libra, you need to look for that symbolic rainbow.
You have experienced some tough times recently, and you are in need of the
inspiration that this symbolic rainbow can provide. Consider this message to
be the sign you are looking for, and hold it close to your heart. Yes, things
really are getting better for you. Believe it. On a cold, wintry day, your
thoughts might stray to a hot summer day spent on a beach with the ocean
breezes caressing your cheeks and the sun shining down on you. These are the
kinds of fantasies that save us when we encounter challenges, and right now,
you may be in need of something to dream about. Better times lie ahead when
you will be able to engage in idyllic moments, but right now, you need to use
your imagination to paint that picture for you. An old flame or an old friend
could resurface for you in the coming week - if not in person, then at least
in thought. Or an individual's name could come up in conversation. Consider
following through on this by getting in touch.