2024-06-23 04:29:15Libra horoscope for 6月 24 - 6月 30
Libra horoscope for 6月 24 - 6月 30You may be feeling a lack of purpose at
the start of the week, which could result in restlessness. You can conquer
this by sitting down and thinking about what it would take to give you a new
sense of purpose and direction. Maybe there is no goal in particular on your
mind, Libra, and if so, you can just start thinking about what you enjoy, the
dreams you have, and where you'd like to see yourself in, say, a year from
now. Then aim for that and get started with a plan. This can get you feeling
more motivated in general. You may have the opportunity this week to pick up
an academic course of study that you dropped or put off some time ago. This
could be connected to work or to an interest of yours, and this can also help
to hone your ambition. You may experience some friction with a business
dealing around mid-week. This may have to do with a business you patronized
that offered a less-than-satisfactory experience. You may be so upset that
you'll want to take the next steps to either take your complaint to a higher
level or to report the matter. Ask yourself first: Is it worth it? Probably
not. Just patronize someone else next time. The weekend may bring some really
great news connected to money or the acquisition of something valuable.