CCY0927 (只是個暱稱罷了)
2022-12-08 01:33:10https://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/main/zh-tw?/sign/1212talk
Verb Argument Structure: A Bird's-Eye View
* 日期:2022-12-12(一) 14:00~16:00
* 主講人:Joshua K. Hartshorne 助教授 (美國波士頓學院)
* 會議地點:中央研究院語言學研究所519會議室
In any given language, there are many verbs and many structures. Studying all
of them is a monumental challenge, so in order to get a handle on the system
as a whole, we often focus on specific test cases. While useful, this strategy
can distort the overall picture if the special cases are chosen non-randomly
(they are), are not investigated exhaustively (they are not), and if different
researchers looking at different special cases come to different conclusions
(they do). In this talk, I'll describe a cluster of interrelated, ongoing
projects that try to make sense of the English verb argument structure system
as a whole. The results point to a tight coupling between syntax and semantics
(and, more broadly, conceptual representations).
講者簡介 http://l3atbc.org/JKHartshorne.About.html