※ 引述《eucylin (璇)》之銘言:
: 各位大大好,小弟是正在讀資工系的學生。
: 對Linux有一些些基本的了解
: 即將在12月初購入新的notebook,
: 屆時想在上面灌Linux
: 可是遇到一個抉擇:
: 1.灌雙系統(可是要切換時要一直重開機很煩)
: 2.在Windows上用VMware或VirtualBox灌Linux
: 3.在Linux上用Wine灌Windows
Never try to use wine, it just give you painful/
: 小弟我本身有在玩遊戲,例如LOL;
: 也會使用到Windows才能裝的軟體如3Ds Max
: 可是比較喜歡Linux的操作手感跟介面,
: 希望上網或coding打作業時能在Linux的環境下
: 請問各位大大建議應該要怎麼做?
I always use install both of them into my laptop.
But I also have the other computer installed windows, so I don't
have this kind of problem. But I don't use windows very often,
I even don't need to be in the screen of the Windows computer,
RDP or vnc is enough for most of case.
Sorry, I don't know how to type tranditional Chinese this time.