看來應該跟自動組隊後,再次登入造成,A B A"的金錢bug一樣
1.Partied up with someone for a couple hours
2.Forgot what I was doing and put my computer to sleep for about an hour
3.Woke my computer up
4.Found I was no longer in the party, because I was d/c for a while
5.Found my pets and I were doing double damage.
Also of note, I upgraded my attack while the double damage was going on,
and only one of my duplicate hits changed in value. So that indicates to me that the double attack was not actually me, but a copy of me
※ 引述《biglongtoday (大長今)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《biglongtoday (大長今)》之銘言:
: : 機器人系列還有點難打@@
: : 不過我不玩了 各位繼續加油~!
: 推 BF109 : 我想刷出double attack 100% 變三下的功能看看 03/19 21:29
: 推 Drunken5566 : 20級才1% 要到100%有點遠- - 03/19 21:41
: 二連擊、三連擊個人覺得也是bug之一
: 並不用真的把連擊點高
: 有試成功過,如圖
: http://i.imgur.com/dOID3Gz.jpg
: 我的組隊角色兩隻都是我的帳號
: 所以我可以看到另一隻攻擊的情形
: 圖中綠字噴出 741、1630*2、35、35、32、32
: 表示另一隻角色出現二連擊,連寵物也是
: 相當於A、B的組隊中,其實是A、B、B'三隻在打
: 再加上有洗技能的情況下
: 所以推關速度非常快(圖中是267關,是最後一顆星球)
: 不過我沒法實際知道連擊的方式
: 所以就不說明了
: 僅供參考