asdrt (安靜)
2018-07-25 15:57:316 HOURS AGO
It was added in the patch 3 hours ago but not mentioned.
- Elite monsters now give RP instead of Attribute once you are maxed out on
that specific attribute.
- Monsters will no longer attack during Warping.
- MP Cost for Magic upgrades were showing the same.
- Some enemies projectiles were leaking past the player and not being
destroyed during lunge.
- Some basic functions of Kong API added.
- Save management. You can now Import (Green Down Arrow) / Export (Red Up
Arrow) save files! Exporting can be a bit tricky so please be sure to check
it on Discord first!
- Added instance counter for debug reasons.
- Every new run stats with Warping speed which gives you x3 your Mov.Speed
till 25% of Max Dist achieved during current Ascension.
- If you choose to RETAIN Level instead of Rebirth you will earn RP based on
distance! Works with Idle Mode.
前面可以跑更快了 但是不確定是不是有上限 (之前是 600)
(現在上去看是直接用飛的 XDXD)
- All Magic Spells had their skill button Tool Tip added and some of them
were reworked.
- Small buff to Stomp.
不知道增強多少 好久沒用了XD
- Make it Happen now has diminishing return.
- Bash now has -% accuracy while pierce has +% accuracy both scaling equally.
- Monsters’ projectile speed doubled so less of them appear on the screen.
- Elite Grade was scaling too fast past level 250 so it was tuned down.
- Monsters AP increased slightly.
- Monsters Evasion and Crit Res Rating increased slightly.
怪物變強了 (但應該沒差多少)
- 0~100% Crits and Hits range is now 0.333 ~ 3.000. Now, you need x3 their
respective resistance in order to get to 100%. Consequently, having 1/3 of
the resistance means 0%.
(爆擊跟命中 看來是被調弱 等等再測試看看)
- Stealth skills was replaced by Lunge.
- Slightly reduced Attack scaling.
- Make it Happen and Make it Worth Tool Tips fixed.
- Changed how the skills buttons work making them more light weight