Re: [閒聊] Coutinho於IG感謝紅軍

作者: mithralin (工口)   2018-01-10 00:45:29
You now understand now why loyalty cannot be bought. Neither unconditional
love nor passion. You either die for this shirt or you don’t. I’m not
asking every player to love this club until they die. Last time I checked not
everyone’s called Steven Gerrard. I’m only asking people who choose to play
for this club, to respect it while doing so. We may have not won a trophy in
years, we may have lost charm but we’re Liverpool FC. You cannot buy our
history. And most of all, you have to respect said history while playing for
this club. I’m not sad because of what happened yesterday. I’m actually
relieved, because I need people who are willing to give everything they have
while playing for #LFC and being respectful at the same time, & only them. We
move on, we always do. If we survived this man leaving his boyhood club,
everything else is a walk in the park. We march on forever. #YNWA
作者: cutemie ( 熊 庹!)   2018-01-10 05:02:00
作者: mron   2018-01-10 08:33:00
作者: rover10 (這隻熊不會嘴砲)   2018-01-10 08:52:00
作者: Supasizeit (更大更快更有力)   2018-01-10 18:57:00
作者: hattrick ( 人渣 假道學 )   2018-01-10 22:02:00
作者: lane34 (甜甜的)   2018-01-11 20:27:00
上不上是一回事啦 但表現出來對球隊的尊重很顯然 除了場上場下訓練的態度都是職業球員的一部份 罷訓 裝傷 擺爛都很不職業 對不起他們的薪水跟球迷 有人轉隊前的操作很難看 有人轉隊後過幾年才揭曉當初被黑 有人離開之後球迷依舊熱愛支持 有人離開後還是緊跟球隊消息跟近況 有人就只是過客 走不走真的不是重點 重要的是對球隊與球迷的態度

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