kaneggyy (負けないで!)
2014-07-25 15:51:27http://youtu.be/FNQWYmUI8Dg
Hey guys, Loco here with a vlog on what's going on in TSM. So recently, we had
a roster swap Gleeb is no longer the starter and Lustboy will be the new
support bot (?). So, ever since I moved in, Solomid has had a lot of problems
in terms of team chemistry. For Gleeb, it was his first time living with people
outside of his family, and like most gamers he doesn't really socialize and he
had very little social skills and didn't take social cues that well.
We played up to 11 hours a day, sometimes up to 12, 13. That alone can be
really stressful for players. And when you add additional stress from
personalities clashing, it hinders the team from moving and causes a really
unproductive environment. I tried my best to help Gleeb get along with the team
better, but, like, but for Gleeb, um, he (fell to the fears??) and he did what
he felt like was the best way to improve. And as he approached the end of
season playoffs, things got more and more heated. And after last week's
performance, there was a little trouble with some of the players and I felt
that team chemistry (???) and I decided to make the roster change.
Earlier in the season when Gleeb was underperforming and he still had the out
of game problems with his teammates, I wanted to give him a reality check. And
I had Lustboy try out from Korea, he duo queued with Turtle for 4 or 5 games,
they played 2 sets of scrims, and after I watched him play I came to the
conclusion that Lustboy was a better player there and then, but Gleeb had a lot
of room to improve. And bringing on a Korean player would cause its own issues.
So, I decided to give Gleeb a chance to keep his starter spot and worked with
him at getting better, in game out of game. And for that week, his play
improved, his mentality and outside of game problems were getting better, so,
that week looked really good. So on the other side of things, Lustboy, after
his try out, told me he wanted to play in NA. I told him there wasn't a spot
available, but if he was still interested, that we're gonna have a roster
evaluation at the end of worlds, and if our support spot was up for evaluation,
I would drop him a message.
In the meantime, I told him he should play Solo Queue, he should watch OGN, he
should learn English, and he should look for another team. Um, so, another team
told me they might replace their support, so I recommended Lustboy. And, uh,
and, that was it. They decided not to replace their support and I didn't hear
back from Lustboy, I actually heard back from their manager. So until last
Saturday, I didn't keep in touch with Lustboy. Anyways, last Saturday, the team
had a breaking point, and up until that point I knew Gleeb was becoming a
problem, but, I really hoped that he would rise up and he would change and I
wouldn't have to make a roster swap before worlds. And that's why I made the
vine regarding Lustboy, Gleeb, and my (??). And until that point, I had no
intention of replacing Gleeb.
And I really regret making the vine now because it seems like it's really in
bad taste. But that's how fast things escalated. It went from being Gleeb might
become a problem later down the line to Gleeb is such a big problem. We had to
do something about it. The outside for Gleeb, the outside of game stuff for
Gleeb came a lot more into play than his in game stuff in terms of why we
replaced him. And, so that's where the (status came?), I contacted Lust to see
if he was still available. He said he was, and we went through with the roster
swap. The suddenness of the roster change made everything really rushed, so,
like, the paperwork wasn't "supposedly done in time". Well, the paperwork was
all done and finished now, the paperwork wasn't done by the time we announced,
but it was done way before the deadline.
The visas, the flight, everything was so rushed but we were able to have him
fly in by Monday and start the week with us. So, the TSM management recently
received criticism from like the community about how we picked out players. The
fact that Lustboy was my friend definitely influenced my decision. I knew he
was hard working, I knew he was willing(?) to the NA scene, and he I knew he
was thirsty to prove himself. And, I felt that his last season on Blaze wasn't
a good representation of his performance. Er, ok, skills. And in a different
environment, I felt like his skills as a player would show a lot more.
And, when we tried him out from Korea with 180 ping, his skills spoke for
themselves and after playing scrims with him for about 3-4 days, everyone on
the team agrees that.. Everyone on the team is impressed by his mechanics, his
ingame knowledge, and just by his attitude. So, we have a rule in the house
where he can't speak Korean from, uh, scrims, when the scrims start to when the
scrims end. So he has like an hour or two to speak Korean before the day starts
and after the day starts. And during the rest of the day, me and him don't
speak Korean to each other, he doesn't Skype or talk on client(?) with other
people in Korean, he talks to Helios in Korean.. I mean in English, and he
talks to just.. Anyone during that time, he has to talk to in English. And he
has been really good at keeping that rule. Because I want him to be able to,
um, improve his English as fast as possible.
知識和他的態度印象深刻。所以我們也設下規定在gaming house裡只要團練開始他就不
Anyways, I feel really confident going into the end season with our new roster
and the roster swap solved our, a lot of our out of game problems and it also
made our in game problems more clear. So it's easier for me to attack it and
solve it. Anyways, cheer us on for the matches this weekend vs. EG and CLG,
and, Loco out.