ENEP (Moo)
2014-08-12 17:23:25※ 引述《yai5217 (yai)》之銘言:
: http://na.lolesports.com/articles/league-legends-competition-ruling-counter
: -logic-gaming-0
: 縮網:
: http://tinyurl.com/m2uruqy
: reddit:
: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2dbe2j/league_of_legends_
: competition_ruling_counter/
: 簡單來說就是clg急著在韓國開精神時光屋
: 但是rito搞錯了 挖了個一格洞給monte跳
: 所以link dexter DL aphro都被韓國聯賽ban兩年 XD
During Week 11 of the NA LCS, Counter Logic Gaming (CLG) sent five of their
team members to Korea to practice for upcoming live events. On the day prior
to their departure, CLG management requested live accounts from Riot.
W11 CLG為了接下來的賽事把五個隊員送到南韓
在離開前一天 CLG經理對riot要求(南韓)Live帳號(非聯賽用TR帳號)
At this time, Riot miscommunicated to CLG that, according to standing policy
regarding Korean accounts, CLG could receive Tournament Realm (TR) accounts,
but not live accounts. Further internal investigation revealed that this was
actually not the standing policy. The correct policy is to give teams
visiting Korea for non-tournament purposes Live accounts, not TR accounts.
This policy is necessitated by the potential instability of the Tournament
Realm and security exposure entailed by giving non-OGN teams access to Korean
TR accounts.
"根據現有對於南韓帳號的政策 CLG可以拿到聯賽用TR帳號 而不是Live帳號"
但是後來發現這不是正確的政策 正確的應該是
"外來隊伍訪問南韓時拿到的應該是Live帳號 不是聯賽TR帳號 因為關乎TR server
穩定度以及保密問題 不得給非OGN聯賽以外的隊伍拿到聯賽TR帳號"
Recognizing our error and CLG’s urgent practice needs in Korea, we provided
CLG with provisional TR accounts within 24 hours of their landing as a
temporary measure for practicing while the error was corrected.
During this time, it was brought to our attention that members of CLG were
engaging in illicit account sharing despite having a legitimate practice
option pending in the provisional TR accounts while also being aware that
such an action was against the rules.
Riot發現錯誤 但是因為CLG很急著開練 所以Riot給了CLG臨時的24小時TR帳號
但是這時候他們發現CLG有人把這個臨時帳號分享(外借?) 而這是違反條規的
After the correct policy was ascertained, Riot granted CLG official live
accounts and retracted the TR accounts in accordance with standing Riot
確定依循正確的政策後 Riot把暫時的聯賽TR帳號關了然後給了Live帳號
Our own miscommunications are a mitigating factor in assessing penalties, but
account sharing constitutes a clear violation of the League of Legends Terms
of Use, no matter the situation.
雖然兩邊溝通的問題是一個間接讓CLG違反條規原因 但是帳號分享是個明顯的違約