thid5335 (討推專家)
2014-09-19 00:51:15http://redd.it/2grfq7
"Are you guys still with me?" - Joe Miller
沒看英文台不清楚 @@
get 5k gold lead
farm for 30 mins vs late game team comp
lose game
Joe Miller MVP
I was waiting the entire game for Insec to get Insec'd.
TPA didn't deserve to win that game. That was so frustrating
watching them do nothing and letting Royal scale hard. This was
hands down the most infuriating game i have ever watched.
This kills my hype for TPA, their shotcaller need to grow balls.
EDIT: Corn is god awful on Ori.
Wow TPA did not know how to close that game out
I was rooting for TPA, I wanted the story of the underdog winning,
just like they did in S2. But to be honest it was a very
frustrating game to watch… TPA never pressure their lead, didn’t
played safe but scared/insecure… They need to man up and pull
their shot calling together :(!
TSM must be licking their chops right now.
Buy a fucking void staff. You had the money.
Such a disappointing throw from TPA. They had it, then did
literally nothing for 15 minutes vs. Ori Cait Ryze Kha. So
令人失望的throw game... 整整十五分鐘什麼都沒做...
TPA = Team Pussy Actions. Cmon wtf, all that beautiful vision
control early game, MAN THE FUCK UP DO SOME DAMAGE!!
TPA前期打出那麼漂亮比賽... 買虛空阿!!!
what a horrible game. No way royal should have won that. If either
TPA or royal gets out of group it'll be a free bye to the semi
finals if they play like that.
Bebe went full Zuna at the end.
What the fuck did Bebe do here?
You have a lee sin and a syndra, two great champions for creating
picks around baron. And they place janna and lucian clearing wards
there all the time and leave the syndra wave clearing mid and
eternally getting caitlyn ultied so shes half hp and has to base
or risk dieing.
If lucians mid he lifesteals that poke, syndra is in FoW(cant be
poked) and is dangerous threat to them rewarding around baron.
I genuinely dont understand what they were trying to do. Bebe
seemed to just get annoyed at this and traded himself for the
support eventually.
http://imgur.com/fPGLxcs 50 minutes in, no Void Staff, and what
the hell is goin on with that other Needlessly Large Rod?!?!