cat0405 (<ゝω・) 油洗!☆ )))
2014-11-01 00:17:10imp 本人臉書文章:https://www.facebook.com/mvpimp/posts/585454024914687
reddit 討論串:http://redd.it/2kw3yv
以下是 reddit 鄉民對 imp 發文的簡易翻譯:
Mmm… It's been almost three years since I have joined professional league of
legends, and during those times I think I have both gained and lost a lot of
things haha although I have gained more… I thank the members from mvp white
who led me during these times I was lacking skills, and good personality and
of course mata, hyungsuk, wonseok, and dade as well hua hua I didn’t get to
say this but having to walk a different path now I am a little..? Nah I am
deeply sad so sad that I drank a lot~ tuttuttu. I just hope everything goes
well.. I am sorry for the fans and the fronts T.T thank you for taking care of
me deputy chief~
嗯…我加入職業戰隊以來差不多要 3 年了,在這期間我覺得我得到很多,也失去了很多。
哈哈,雖然我得到的應該比較多…我很感謝 MVP White 的夥伴在這段期間帶領著我,我缺
乏技巧,個性也不夠好。當然還要感謝 mata、hyungsuk(Looper)、wonseok(PawN)、
dade 和 hua hua(不知道這是誰)。我不太想這麼說(這句我不確定),但我必須要走向
利…我對粉絲們感到很抱歉。 T.T 謝謝領隊哥哥對我的照顧~
以前就有依稀聽過 imp 這個名字,但是從這次 2014 世界冠軍賽在台北站看了比賽之後,
我才開始喜歡 imp 的,所以我當 imp 粉的資歷還非常淺。或許韓國那邊的政策給了韓國
電競圈很大的衝擊,繼 Mata 發表暫時休息的宣言之後,連 imp 都看起來要退休了,對於
很多像我一樣或是因為 SSW 奪冠而喜歡他們的粉絲來說一定都很難接受吧。 QQQQQQQQQ
昨天(已過 12 點)已經度過很糟的一天,想不到又緊接著得知這種消息,好好的一個週