No one knew how we'd do when we first announced that we were moving to North
America to compete in the LCS. Some predicted that we’d fail, while others
believed that we could win the whole tournament and represent North America
at Worlds.
Over the past year we’ve met some amazing people: our wonderful fans, our
immensely talented and respectful competition, our exceptional volunteers and
the admirable people at Riot Games. We’ve had some issues, yes, but we’re
proud to be representing North America as we head into the 2015 Season.
LMQ grew from a relatively small Chinese brand to one that was recognized all
over the League of Legends community, and it wouldn’t have been possible
without the talent and dedication of our players and fans. With four of the
five players who represented us no longer in the roster, it doesn’t feel
right to continue using the LMQ brand. It’ll still be a core part of our
identity but using it does a disservice to the team that represented us so
Today we’re proud to announce that we will be changing our name to Team
Impulse. Impulse stays true to the core of the former LMQ. Even though the
players that represented us are gone, we still embody their play style. LMQ’
s former play style was fierce, reckless and impulsive. Our new brand will
continue to enshrine the 2013 team while also forging a new direction for the
Without further ado, here are the latest additions to the 2015 League of
Legends roster for Team Impulse.