NoPTT (一角兩角三角形!)
2015-02-17 12:55:42Highlander has no cast time and does not interrupt Master Yi's previous
Highlander is one of the few abilities granting a multiplicative movement
speed bonus; it stacks multiplicatively rather than additively with other
movement speed bonuses.
The slow immunity of Highlander also includes those applied by Flee, Charm
and Polymorph, as well as all forms of attack speed reduction.
因為中文官網少很多隱藏資訊所以現在都跑去lol wiki看
其中最後一段 wiki寫高原血統可以免疫恐懼 媚惑 變形
請問這是代表lulu的變羊 阿璃的媚惑(傷害應該會有..但是操作自如)
草人q 人馬r(傷害應該有)
易大師都可以免疫 ?
有點像是波比開大時 很多debuff或傷害丟她身上
請問這樣理解是正確的嗎 ? 還是現在wiki的版本已經跟遊戲不同了呢 ?