fttgfd (fttgfd)
2015-02-24 23:00:00※ 引述《saul86103 (達達愛打lol)》之銘言:
: 以下文章轉貼自:http://ppt.cc/kGYJ
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: 新英雄男性人類(巴德民族)法師輔助:吟遊詩人-維吉爾
: 疑為LOL新英雄:法師輔助吟遊詩人維吉爾疑為LOL新英雄:法師輔助吟遊詩人維吉爾
: 基礎信息:
: -血量:345(+65/level)
: -回血每5秒:4.5(+.5/level)
: -記憶:300(+45/level)(沒有藍耗,記憶相當於阿卡麗的氣力值)
: -記憶回復每5秒:5(+.75/level)
: -物理傷害:35(+2.5/level)
: -攻速:.638(+3%/level)
: -攻擊範圍:125
: -護甲:8(+2.7/level)
: -魔抗:30
: -移動速度:330
: 技能信息:
: 被動:新的篇章-維吉爾的故事能力的增大,他告訴他的故事,十秒內獲得額外的3%
: 的記憶恢復效果。效果層數會被每個英雄(盟友或敵人)疊加。如果維吉爾的技能只有一個
: 目標,則不會觸發此效果。
: Q(類似卡瑪的大,發動後所有其他技能效果都會不同。)
: 第一段:故事大師-維吉爾要求他的聽眾聽得津津有味,改變他普通技能的效果。
: -消耗10/20/30/40/50記憶。
: -下次施法立即重置技能冷卻時間。
: -獲得一層新的篇章。
: 第二段:完美觀眾-觸發Q的二段傷害,維吉爾沉默追星區域裏的所有敵人。
: -魔法傷害:70/90/120/150/190(+0.3/AP)
: -沉默時間時間:0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.5秒。
: -消耗:65記憶+Q一段的記憶消耗。
: -冷卻:25/22/19/16/15秒
: -範圍:600
: -錐形寬度:80度。
: -維吉爾每命中一個敵人即獲得一層記憶增強效果
: W
: 普通技能:情人的歌謠-維吉爾朗誦觀星者無法在一起的悲傷十四行詩。增加友軍血
: 量。
: -血量回復:50/120/180/250/330(+0.6/AP)
: -消耗:50/80/110/140/170記憶
: -冷卻:15秒。
: -獲得一層新的篇章(被動)。
: 一段Q之後發動:國王的頌詞-維吉爾講述了偉大的君王的故事,激發友軍戰鬥氣勢。
: 目標友軍獲得減傷護盾,並增加友軍物理吸血和法術吸血效果。
: -護盾強度:80/120/160/200/240(+0.7/AP)
: -物理吸血/法術吸血3/6/9/12/15%
: -消耗:80記憶+故事大師的消耗。
: -冷卻15秒。
: -維吉爾疊加2層新的篇章;(1層為Q觸發+1層為W觸發)。如果他選擇自己為目標,他
: 只疊加一層。
: E
: 普通技能:英勇的戰士-維吉爾生動形象的講述了一個偉大的戰士的故事,它讓人想
: 起了古代的英雄坡地軍陣,殺出一條血路的事跡。創造一條血路,路過的敵人會受到魔法
: 傷害,路過的友軍會增加移動速度。
: -額外移動速度10/15/20/25/30%
: -魔法傷害:60/85/110/135/160(+0.4/AP)
: -消耗:40/50/60/70/80內存。
: -冷卻:20/18/16/14/12秒。
: -範圍施法距離:1100
: -路徑長度長度:700
: -可以開闊視野。
: -敵方英雄的每次技能攻擊都會疊加一層新的篇章。
: 一段Q之後發動:騎士之魂-觸發後維吉爾化身騎士增加移動速度並殺出一條血路,並
: 擊飛路徑上的敵人並對其造成魔法傷害。通過路徑上的友軍獲得額外移動速度。
: -額外移動速度:10/15/20/25/30%
: -魔法傷害傷害:100/135/170/210/240(+0.5/AP)
: -消耗:40/500/60/70/80內存+法師講故事的成本。
: -冷卻:20/18/16/14/12秒。
: -範圍施法距離:1100
: -路徑長度長度:700
: -維吉爾擊飛的每個敵人都會疊加一層的新的篇章。
: R
: 長篇大論:
: 被動-當維吉爾生命降低時(低於35%HP)維吉爾每2秒獲得額外15移動速度,上限75移
: 動速度。之後會以相同速度衰減至原始移動速度。維吉爾整個過程會獲得35點韌性。
: 主動:維吉爾告訴他最引人注目的故事即他一生的故事,激勵友軍奮戰。範圍內的友
: 軍獲得額外護甲魔抗,持續6/8/10秒。範圍內的敵人會減緩移動速度並朝維吉爾移動。如
: 果施法時間內友軍陣亡,維吉爾可以獲得每名陣亡友軍一半的額外護甲魔抗。
: -額外魔抗和護甲:30/50/70(+0.3/AP)
: -控制時間:1/1.5/2秒。
: -BUFF持續時間:6/8/10秒。
: -消耗:100記憶。
: -冷卻:110/90/60秒。
: -範圍:900
Base Stats:
-Health: 345 (+65/level)
-HP/5: 4.5 (+.5/level)
-Memory: 300 (+45/level)
-Memory/5: 5 (+.75/level)
-Attack Damage: 35 (+2.5/level)
-Attack Speed: .638 (+3%/level)
-Range: 125
-Armor: 8 (+2.7/level)
-Magic Resistance: 30
-Movement Speed: 330
Flat Stats at Level 18:
-Health: 1450
-HP/5: 13
-Memory: 1065
-Memory/5: 17.75
-Attack Damage: 77.5
-Attack Speed: .963
-Range: 125
-Armor: 53.9
-Magic Resistance: 30
-Movement Speed: 330
Turn the Page - Virgil's storytelling power increases as he tells his tales, g
aining additional 3% of his total Memory regen with each ability he casts for
ten seconds after casting the ability. Effect stacks for each champion (ally o
r enemy) that is effected by the ability. Virgil does not receive this bonus i
f he is the only one affected.
Master Storyteller - Virgil demands the rapt attention of his listeners, empow
ering his next ability. (Empowerments are explained under their respective ski
-Costs 10/20/30/40/50 Memory.
-Cooldown refreshes upon Empowerment of next ability.
-Virgil receives 1 extra stack for Empowered abilities. Not multiplicative.
Perfect Audience - Empowered. Casting Q a second time, Virgil hushes (silences
) all enemies in front of him in a cone.
-Magic Damage: 70/90/120/150/190 (+.3/Ability Power)
-Silence Duration: 0.5/.75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds.
-Cost: 65 Memory + cost of Master Storyteller.
-Cooldown: 25/22/19/16/15 seconds
-Range: 600
-Cone Width: ~80 degrees.
-Virgil receives 1 stack to Turn the Page for each enemy champion he hits.
Lover’s Ballad – Virgil recounts a sad sonnet of star-struck lovers unable t
o be together. A targeted ally is moved by the lovers’ plight, being healed f
or an amount.
-Heal Amount: 50/120/180/250/330 (+.6/AP)
-Cost: 50/80/110/140/170 Memory
-Cooldown 15 seconds.
-Grants 1 stack to Turn the Page.
King’s Verse – Empowered. Virgil tells the story of great kings of old. Targ
eted ally is inspired and driven to conquer their opponents, receiving a shiel
d that reduces incoming damage and grants lifesteal and spellvamp for the life
of the shield.
-Shield Strength: 80/120/160/200/240 (+.7/AP)
-Lifesteal/Spellvamp bonus. 3/6/9/12/15%
-Cost: 80 Memory + cost of Master Storyteller.
-Cooldown 15 seconds.
-Virgil receives 2 stacks to Turn the Page for casting this ability; (1 stack
Master Story teller + 1 stack King's Verse.) If he chooses to target himself,
he receives only 1 stack.
Warrior of Old - Virgil tells a story of a great warrior in such vivid detail
that it conjures up the image of the ancient hero from his tales. The summoned
warrior charges headlong into battle, cleaving through enemies and blazing a
path (linear.) Allies moving along the path gain bonus movement speed. Enemies
the warrior passes through take magic damage.
-Bonus MS: 10/15/20/25/30%
-Magic Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+.4/AP)
-Cost: 40/50/60/70/80 Memory.
-Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12 seconds.
-AoE Cast Range: 1100
-Trail Length: 700
-Grants vision of an area it passes through.
-Virgil receives 1 stack to Turn the Page for each enemy champion hit.
-The targeting indicator will function like Viktor's Death Ray, castable in an
y direction from any point within Virgil’s sight radius.
Knight’s Tale – Empowered. After a short delay, summons the image of a knigh
t on horseback. The knight rushes forward, impaling the first enemy champion i
t touches with its lance and pushing them along the length of the trail. All e
nemies the warrior passes through take magic damage. Allies moving along the p
ath gain bonus movement speed.
-Bonus MS: 10/15/20/25/30%
-Magic Damage: 100/135/170/210/240 (+.5/AP)
-Cost: 40/500/60/70/80 Memory + the cost of Master Storyteller.
-Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12 seconds.
-AoE Cast Range: 1100
-Trail Length: 700
-Grants vision of an area it passes through.
-Virgil receives 1 stack to Turn the Page for each enemy champion hit.
-Shares a cooldown with the Unempowered version of Warrior of Old; e.g. a play
er cannot cast Warrior of Old and then immediately cast the Empowered version.
*Think of it like a crazy inverse blitz grab. It has the same end result and c
an be just as hard (if not harder) to pull off. This mechanic alone will give
Virgil a solid learning curve.
R - Ultimate
Never-Ending Story: Passive - When he senses his end is nigh (below 35% HP) Vi
rgil gains an additional 15 movement speed every 2 seconds, up to 75 movement
speed. The effect then decays; Virgil loses 15 every 2 seconds, returning to h
is original movement speed. Virgil receives 35 tenacity throughout the duratio
n of the effect. Cannot be triggered more than once in 120 seconds.
Active: Virgil tells his most compelling tale yet; the story of his life. All
allies within hearing are Inspired and forget their own worries, gaining addit
ional armor and magic resist for 6/8/10 seconds. Enemies within the AoE are En
raptured, being slowed and drawn to Virgil. If an allied champion dies while u
nder the Never-Ending Story buff, Virgil dedicates an Ode in their memory; hav
ing his Memory bar replenished and receiving 1/2 of the armor and magic resist
the fallen ally had received from the buff.
-Armor and MR granted: 30/50/70 (+.3/AP)
-Lure Duration: 1/1.5/2 seconds.
Buff Duration: 6/8/10 seconds.
-Cost: 100 Memory.
-Cooldown: 110/90/60 seconds.
-AoE – 900 units
*Virgil’s Ultimate cannot be Empowered. A Q-R combo will result in Virgil rea
dying an Empowerment, casting his Ult like normal, and then applying the Empow
erment to the next spell cast (Q/W/E).
Tooltips and Icons
The ability list outlined above contains a considerable amount of detail, and
therefore a considerable amount of text. It was brought up that while all this
detail is great on paper and provides clarity…. how does one fit it all into
a tooltip without taking up half the screen? Like this!
Turn the Page - Virgil's gains an additional 3% of his total Memory regen with
each ability cast for ten seconds after casting the ability. Effect stacks fo
r each champion (ally or enemy) affected by the ability.
Master Storyteller - Virgil empowers his next ability.
Perfect Audience - Casting Q a second time, Virgil silences all enemies in fro
nt of him for 0.5/.75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds seconds, dealing 70/90/120/150/190 (+
.3) magic damage. Affected enemies receive 15% of the damage they deal with au
to-attacks as magic damage.
Lover’s Ballad - Targeted ally is healed for 50/120/180/250/330 (+.6/AP) HP.
Empowered: King’s Verse - Shields targeted ally, reducing 80/120/160/200/240
(+.7/AP) incoming damage, and granting 3/6/9/12/15% lifesteal and spellvamp fo
r the life of the shield.
Warrior of Old - Summons a warrior that charges forward, dealing60/85/110/135/
160 magic damage to enemy champions, and leaving a trail behind it, granting 1
0/15/20/25/30% bonus movespeed to allied champions moving along the trail.
Empowered: Knight’s Tale - The first enemy champion struck by the warrior is
pushed along the length of the trail. All enemies the warrior passes through t
ake 60/85/110/135/160 magic damage. Allies moving along the path gain 10/15/20
/25/30% movement speed.
R - Ultimate
Never-Ending Story – Passive: Below 35% HP, Virgil receives 35 Tenacity and g
ains 15 movespeed every 2 seconds, up to 75 bonus movespeed. Effect lasts five
seconds before returning to base movement.
Active: Allies in range gain 30/50/70 armor and magic resist for 6/8/10 second
s. Enemies caught in the initial cast are Enraptured, being drawn to Virgil fo
r 1/1.5/2 second. If an allied champion under this buff dies Virgil's Memory i
s replenished and Virgil gains 봠of the fallen ally’s bonus Armor and Magic r
These tidbits would be more suited for tooltip descriptions, while all the nec
essary information is still there. Cooldowns and Memory costs of course are ou
tlined in separate sections of the interface.