[外絮] IEM 位置分析,ADC

作者: j33669 (這個下午有點無聊)   2015-03-13 19:29:39
1.PraY - GE Tigers
2.Forg1ven - SK Gaming
3.NL - Yoe Flash Wolves
4.P1noy - Gambit Gaming
5.Sneaky - Cloud 9
6.Space - CJ Entus
7.Wildturtle - Team Solomid
8.Styz - Team WE
PraY - GE Tigers
The amount that PraY has looked like a new man on GE Tigers is really a
testament to the journey his career has become. If I were to pick who I think
the MVP of the tournament would be, before the tournament starts I think it
would be PraY. I think the game where he single handily stopped the enemy
team from taking a Baron after a team fight GE lost, it was cemented for me
just how much of a change the PraY of last year had grown into the PraY we
see now. Also the man has an insane KDA with the next highest in his position
in Korea being almost 4 points lower. PraY is a kill hungry play maker who I
think outclasses the competition.
加入GE Tigers對於PraY的生涯是個考驗,如果要在本次IEM選出一個MVP或許就是PraY了
Forg1ven - SK Gaming
It's been a very long road for Forg1ven to get to the position he is in now,
he is sitting at the top of the EU LCS. The thing I think Forg1ven brings to
the table more than anyone else in this tournament is one being one of the
best lane adc's I've seen. The reason I want to highlight that is because one
of the primary reasons Forg1ven is so strong and SK wins is that he regularly
comes out of the lane phase getting his tower, possibly a kill or two and is
20 CS up on the enemy adc. This translates to him being able get items and
transform into an insane source of damage for his team. The results also
show, with Forg1ven currently holding the highest KDA and GPM he is a player
that is immaculate at just outperforming the competition. Picking the rest of
this list was super difficult, but Forg1ven as my second spot was a no
NL - Yoe Flash Wolves
It may seem odd to people who are not familiar with the the LMS region but NL
has shown to be one of the most consistent ADC's in the league. NL has grown
this split into one of the better positional ADCs, since they have play
makers like Maple, Karsa, and Steak NL's entire style is stay in the back and
be a consistent source of damage while other teammates absorb cool downs. One
of the other primary reasons I have NL so high on my list also illustrates a
problem I had when making this list. When I looked at the list of players at
large the ADC position felt the most to be desired. Most of the ADC's on this
list past NL have shown large amounts of inconsistency and sometimes some bad
levels o play. I don't want to take anything away from NL, he is a great
player, but ordering the rest of this list revealed a real problem I felt
when it came to this position.
等play maker,NL的風格就是穩穩的站在後排,穩定的輸出傷害,讓前排的隊友坦並且
P1noy - Gambit Gaming
P1noy is one of the newest players on Gambit gaming, and I think he's done a
great job at slotting himself into the Gambit style of play. P1noy had his
first showing at the IEM Gambit won and established himself with Edward as a
super aggressive bot lane. After a very hyped showing at IEM P1noy took a
slump in quality of play. Sometimes his very aggressive play style would
backfire on him and he'd get ganked. However recently he's really shown up in
the last few weeks and the aggression has paid off. We'll see if the P1noy
we've seen in the last few weeks is the one that has shown up because I do
think P1noy has the potential to be one of the best ADC's at this tournament.
Sneaky - Cloud 9
If you were to point a gun at my head and ask me to tell you who the best
player on Cloud 9 will be at this tournament, my money would be placed on
Sneaky. It's no secret that Cloud 9 has not looked to form this split and
even when they had a brief few weeks of hard and fast climbing they've
continued to show signs of weakness from almost all of their positions.
Sneaky however is probably the exception. This split he's really evolved into
a play making hard carry that Cloud 9 needs and has been putting up fantastic
numbers, even when Cloud 9 lose. His first match will be against PraY, the
player I think is the best at this tournament, but Sneaky has shown that he
can hold his own against better bot lanes.
Space - CJ Entus
It's frustrating because about 5 weeks ago I would have but Space as third on
my list, because this was when CJ was on a hot winning streak and Space was
looking like a new man. But now Space is back to always being near the bottom
of the ADC KDA standings and in game it almost looks like he is having little
impact, then he'll turn in a game like he had last week and I throw my hands
in the air. I have Space right in the middle because I can't predict which
space will show up and whether him and MadLife will suddenly turn it on and
go crazy in the bot lane. For CJ's sake let's hope Space finds whatever it is
that let him beat SKT and not the team that had problems.
WildTurtle - Team Solomid
Technically speaking I think Wildturtle might be above some of the players on
this list, but it's the fault in his play style that brings him so low on
this list. Often times during the end of TSM games, especially when they win
Wildturtle usually puts up very good numbers and has a more than decent KDA.
What the numbers doesn't show is how often Wildturtle tries to make solo
plays by jumping in with Tristana, but winds up dying, or lashing into get 1
kill on a low health target, get's burst down ahead of his team and throws
team fights. We'll see if that because he is at a tournament where he is not
at the top, if those mispositionings will cause TSM to drop games.
Styz - Team WE
I'm going to say this upfront, this entire section might be invalid by the
time I post this. It's been almost all but confirmed that Mystic, who is
currently on WE Academy, formerly of Jin Air fame will at some point be
replacing him on WE. Mystic has even been taking pictures and has shown to be
at IEM, but as far as I know, Styz is on the roster list. So I wanted to
spend time comparing the two and what I expect to see. What we've seen from
Styz is that he is at best a passable ADC, but when you live in a region
where you probably have the best ADC's per team he tends to look very poor.
What he does have over Mystic is time, he's been in that bot lane with YuZhe,
so even if Mystic probably being the better player overall he may falter a
bit with not having that synergy. If I had to give a gut reaction to Mystic
being on this list, based on his performance from when he was on Jin Air, I
would slot him in the 3-4 spot.
開宗明義的說,這整段或許會是廢話。因為有乳摸傳出Styz將會被前Jin Air的adc
以他身為前Jin Air 的adc,我大概會排在第3~4名。
作者: jameschen007 (想不出來)   2015-03-13 19:31:00

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