[情報] LMS專家Reazony, Clement Chu和Obscurica

作者: jimmy5680 (不太會飛的企鵝)   2015-05-17 14:40:43
作者Kelsey Moser是我們很常在研究中國區會拜讀的寫手,
LMS experts Reazony, Clement Chu and Obscurica talk about AHQ and the LMS'
LMS專家Reazony、Clement Chu和Obscurica談論AHQ和LMS的崛起
In 2012, there was a North American team called "A Picture of a Goose,"
famous for unique champion choices and pieces of a roster that would go on to
become Team Vulcun, but I didn't watch their stream for them.
在2012,有一支叫做"A Picture of a Goose"的北美隊伍以特殊的英雄選擇與陣型為人
所知,他們後來變成了Team Vulcun,但我當時沒有看他們的實況。
I watched their stream for a Taiwanese AD Carry who went by the name of
bebeisadog. He played on 200 ping and would occasionally sub for their own AD
Carry player in scrims. He annihilated everyone on Tristana, which was the
champion he felt most comfortable playing on high ping. When Picture of a
Goose member Atlanta teased him about only playing Tristana, he switched to
Ezreal, a champion that would become known as his signature.
我看了一名叫做bebeisadog的台灣AD Carry的實況。他在200 ping的情況下玩且有時會在
團練時替補他們的AD Carry選手。他用崔斯塔娜殲滅了所有人,這是他認為在ping很高時
最得心應手的英雄。當Picture of a Goose的成員Atlanta嘲弄他只玩崔斯塔娜時,他改
When I learned that bebe played for a team called the Taipei Assassins in a
league format tournament in Southeast Asia, I was immediately interested. TPA
was plowing through their league and racking up double digits of kills on
almost every member. The bottom lane was my favorite. Mistake wasn't a
mechanical god, but his approach to playing Janna for peel was unique. Bebe,
I felt, could run circles around most AD Carries I had seen competing in
other regions.
Bebe可以用虐爆我在其他地區看過的大多數AD Carry。
The Taiwanese region was one of my first loves in League of Legends outside
Fnatic and CLG. After TPA won the Season 2 World Championships, I continued
to follow the Garena Pro League, but there were obvious problems.
The Taiwanese side was top heavy with teams like the Bangkok Titans from
Thailand losing nearly every game, the Singaporean teams wavering between
brilliance and humiliation, and Vietnam only making any kind of splash
because of a large LoL interest in their country. AHQ enjoyed a period of
strength, and TPA completely fell apart to form two teams, the Taipei Snipers
under Mistake and TPA under bebe.
By the Season 3 World Championships, I had long since become more fascinated
by the Chinese LoL Pro League, but I still kept tabs on GPL. The Gama Bears,
now the yoe Flash Wolves, barely showed an ounce of competitiveness in the
quarterfinals by getting lambasted by tournament heroes, SK Telecom T1.
Mineski performed an upset over TPS to qualify as the second team from GPL,
and the Philippines team became fan favorites for their tragic likability and
go-lucky behavior in the face of continuous loss. Both teams dropped out
without winning a single game.
Telecom T1所痛擊。Mineski在爭奪GPL第二個名額時打敗了TPS,而這支菲律賓隊伍因為
The 2014 GPL Spring was the last split I would watch of GPL. TPA and TPS were
at their heights again, with AHQ finally taking third fiddle. AHQ's
aggression got easily punished by the more late game fighting style of TPA.
When they made an appearance at the Intel Extreme Masters World Championships
(but failed to perform outside taking a game from Gambit Gaming) I said
goodbye to the Taiwanese. I didn't watch a single game of 2014 GPL Summer or
the new League of Legends Master Series in 2015.
取得一場對Gambit Gaming的勝利外缺乏表現)後,我對台灣隊伍說了再見。我並沒有看
Now, at two tournaments in a row, LMS teams have managed to escape the Group
Stage and take games from Western teams. They aren't able to compete with the
best, but they aren't obviously relegated to last place among the five major
I've spent a long time away from the scene. When I last watched, they were
experimenting with Malphite support, bebe was still hard-carrying TPA and AHQ
was all about the pick synergy between Westdoor and Greentea. To track the
changes to AHQ and LMS as a whole, I consulted regional experts, Clement Chu,
multi-region team analyst and LMS caster, Chia "Reazony" Yu, ex-Machi eSports
coach and James "Obscurica" Chen, dedicated Taiwanese LoL scene journalist,
for insight.
區域的專家:多區域隊伍分析師與LMS主播Clement Chu、前Machi eSports教練Chia “
Reasony” Yu、以及關注台灣英雄聯盟情況的記者James “Obscurica” Chen的意見。
"Since [their] epic series against TPA in GPL Spring," Reazony began, "AHQ
stayed about the same for a long time while TPA grew. The scene did not have
any team that could stand up against AHQ and TPA." He refers to the 3-2 clash
between TPA and AHQ that resulted in a TPA win on the back of bebe's Kog'Maw.
TPS fell out of favor after that split due to the retirement of Mistake, the
team's captain.
By Reazony's account, AHQ and TPA seemed to grow complacent with no one to
challenge them, and AHQ in particular struggled with their roster. "From what
I know, GarnetDevil, [AHQ's AD Carry at the time], did not get along with
other members...during Worlds, Greentea even refused to duo with him."
"Due to the non-competitive nature of the scene, AHQ could not improve much.
After TPA got Sim Sung Soo as their coach, the team became more secretive and
rather not scrim Taiwanese teams."
「基於無競爭力的環境,AHQ難以大有進步。在TPA以Sim Sung Soo掛帥後,該隊伍更為隱
It seems at this point, almost any team besides the Taipei Assassins could
not be considered top tier in the region. AHQ was even more isolated than
before, with no competition outside the GPL matches themselves. During the
GPL Summer playoffs, TPA took the finals against AHQ 3-0, but both teams
found a spot at the 2014 World Championships.
When asked whether he thought AHQ's success against Edward Gaming at Worlds
was already indicative of an upward trend for the LMS, Reazony disagreed.
"During Worlds, AHQ actually had the luck that the patch suits their style,
and Westdoor could not be banned out," but "a single match meant much to the
team, though I saw it more as an underperformance from EDG."
AHQ didn't really begin to improve for the better until after Worlds.
According to Reazony, a major catalyst outside just the creation of the
all-Taiwanese LoL Master Series was HK Esports releasing its players. "The
organization had a whole bucket of talents to work it out, which included Ziv
and AN."
要的一個催化劑是HK Esports釋出選手。「該組織有一整籃的天賦可以運用,包含Ziv和
Despite new talent coming to AHQ, their style remained very pick oriented,
which led to problems. "AHQ slowly lost its identity. Part of it was because
Westdoor's champion pool was restricted," Reazony claims. This would be the
turning point for AHQ, as they needed to find a new playstyle to compete in
Clement Chu continued the story from where Reazony's involvement with the
scene left off. "Teams were figuring out that AHQ was always going to look
for jungle skirmish fights, and TPA and Flash Wolves were adjusting
accordingly. They had a dismal record against Top 3 teams, with two wins out
of nine games, one of them being a Flash Wolves forfeit."
Clement Chu接著離開的Reazony的故事說下去。「各隊伍都釐清了AHQ永遠會尋求野區的
Toward the LMS Spring Playoffs, AHQ was still experimenting with their
roster. They hadn't decided on their playoffs lineup even one day before
their match against Hong Kong eSports. "We all thought that AHQ was doomed,"
Clement Chu emphasized. "They decided [on their roster] after visiting
Xingtian Temple." Xingtian Temple is a temple in Taiwan devoted to Guan Yu,
the patron god of businessmen.
容。「我們都認為AHQ完蛋了,」Clement Chu強調:「他們在參訪行天宮之後才決定(陣
In the playoffs, the patch once again went in Westdoor's favor. "A lot of
Westdoor's champions from Season 2 came back: Cho'Gath, Karthus, and TF,
namely. He also played his assassins in Fizz and Zed. Fizz, during the patch,
was a tank buster with %HP Damage, much higher than the current patch."
The most significant change AHQ experienced, however, came in their
playstyle. AHQ began playing to protect AN with Albis as support, which had
never been the approach the team took with Greentea playing. This allowed AHQ
to become more of a team fighting squad than a skirmish-based team. Even
Westdoor would build Rylai's ove RoA on Karthus to help peel and have an
earlier power spike" for dragon fights.
"AN has always been a dominant laner," Clement said. AHQ "would not lane
swap, which meant they would win out the bot lane if there were 2v2s... and
would start rolling early dragons." By taking dragons so early, it "forced
the enemy team into dragon fights where AHQ would win."
AN wasn't the only factor that buffed AHQ's team fighting. Top lane tends to
be a weaker role in Taiwan, but "Ziv was statistically always the best top in
LMS: high damage contribution, massive champion pool." Clement believes in
particular at MSI, TSM banning Rumble suggested they didn't properly prepare
for AHQ, as that's the only meta top he doesn't really play.
From Reazony's and Clement's accounts, I still wasn't clear on whether or not
AHQ's showing at MSI was a sign of an upturn in regional performance. A lot
of AHQ's ability to even appear at MSI seemed circumstantial: the patch
favored Westdoor, they changed their roster nearly at the last minute for the
playoffs and the scene and talent sounded as unstable as ever in many regards.
Looking for strategic improvements, when I watched AHQ split focus to siege
in MSI, I noticed differences in map pressure. During GPL in early 2014,
Taiwanese teams either over-focused early dragons or played the stall game
with grouped team fighting in late game. Split sieging was new.
SK Telecom T1 was able to punish AHQ's failure to secure vision in these
manoeuvres and use it to come back, but TSM didn't exploit their strategy. In
this regard, the LMS teams looked to have made strides, but they still had a
long way to go.
SK Telecom T1有能力利用AHQ未能在機動中確保視野進行懲罰並逆轉,但TSM未能拓展他
The easy answer is in that splitting off from the rest of GPL to form their
own region, the LoL Master Series has been able to improve the level of
average competition they face daily. According to Obscurica, LMS journalist
who has written for lolesports, onGamers, and PC Gamer, "the entirety of the
regular season [in GPL] was pretty useless in terms of teaching [Taiwanese
teams] how to play under pressure.
。根據已在lolesports、onGamers和PC Gamer寫文章的LMS記者Obscurica,「整個(在
"Now, even Never Give Up and Midnight Sun give [top LMS teams] a little bit
of trouble to practice against." Obscurica spoke of the two bottom LMS teams
above Dream or Reality, the team that failed abysmally and failed to take a
single game in the league. Over time, they were able to improve and give a
much even playing field for AHQ, TPA and the Flash Wolves, who never seemed
to have adequate regional competition.
現在,就連Never Give Up和Midnight Sun都能給予(上層LMS隊伍)練習對抗時一點困擾。
」Obscurica提及的是兩支高於Dream of Reality的LMS底層隊伍,該隊伍一敗塗地且於聯
"Due to Korean coach and player imports," Obscurica continued, "they can
expand their practices to encompass extra-regional influences too to try to
get an edge on home soil. It'd be surprising if they didn't improve under
such conditions — though, yeah, AHQ exploding to the front like that caught
everybody with their pants down anyway."
Reazony agreed that increased competition is helping LMS improve, but he was
less optimistic. The Taiwanese "are not willing to cultivate players,"
Reazony said. "The reason why... [LMS], NA and EU are not advancing as much
is due to rapid change of rosters, including players and coaching staff. They
want a good player, good coach, right here, right now.
"It's like farming a forest, if you don't have the mindset of cultivating new
life, eventually the forest is going to dry up. The current rise of
competition from LMS...It'll stop next year."
Clement Chu painted perhaps the most optimistic picture of the LMS going
forward. "There's more foreign talent coming in (including GPL's sofm and
even more KR talent)...you get teams like Machi who have staff and Koreans
and AS, who is made up of Bebe and former players.
Clement Chu則畫出可能最LMS此後最樂觀的景象。「有更多外國的人才正在進入(包含GPL
"In terms of finding rookies," Clement said, "I think the situation is likely
to improve with better collegiate and highschool tournaments. Participation
jumped over 60% this season; there are 3000 teams participating."
One thing neither Reazony, Clement, nor Obscurica mentioned is that,
according to Mid-Season Invitational winners, Edward Gaming, AHQ was already
an occasional practice partner of the Chinese powerhouse. Clearlove had high
confidence going into the semifinals match against AHQ because their teams
knew each other well and had scrimmed a lot leading up to MSI. After the
semifinals, both teams agreed to meet each other again in the World
Championship finals.
With closer proximity to Korea and China, the Taiwanese teams have an
advantage to which North American and European teams are not privy. If
Chinese and Korean teams will agree to scrim Taiwanese, and it sounds like
some of the best will on occasion, they are exposed to the highest level of
competition League of Legends has to offer on a much more regular basis.
Many players will say that it's one thing to watch a league like LCK and try
to adopt their strategies and another to play against them. If LMS teams can
make use of the latter advantage, we might see the Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and
Macau region teams rise up to become legitimate threats for the first time
since the glory days of the Taipei Assassins.
Until then, successful patch-dependent performances by teams like AHQ will
continue to be unexpected.
這篇看能不能釣到bebe? bebe最近好常出現在推文喔XD
作者: lucifiel1618 (Lucifiel)   2015-05-17 15:00:00
作者: poiu0987yaaa   2015-05-17 15:49:00
GPL誤台灣隊伍太深 在那邊打兩年成效遠不如LMS一季
作者: Predrag26671 (這個人非常懶)   2015-05-17 15:56:00
作者: EasyIsBeauty (業餘新手)   2015-05-17 16:38:00

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