lukana (琉)
2015-06-23 05:22:43來源:https://youtu.be/BZHSecCKpLE
We are announcing a brief tryout period with Yuri "KEITHMCBRIEF" Jew for our
AD Carry Position starting this week. KEITH will be staying at the TSM house
and will be splitting scrims with Jason "WildTurtle" Tran during this tryout
period. We make this decision with the intent to let WildTurtle take a step
back from the game to evaluate and find a way to improve on his recent
gameplay. Our wish is to allow Turtle a fair chance and motivate him to get
back into his old form.
As of this moment, WildTurtle is still the starting AD Carry for TSM.
KEITHMCBRIEF will only partake in scrims. Any future changes will be made in
accordance with Riot's ruleset and announced after approval.