※ 引述《cchou5566 (嘻嘻好❺❺❻❻)》之銘言:
: HKES Raison
: I apologise to HKES, my teammate and all my fans for my ban. I cannot
: participate the playoff this time although HKES strongly fight for me. And
: thank for support and chance that HKES giving me and support me for my
: development in future.
: https://www.facebook.com/RaisonLoL/posts/997966453568081
我要為了我被禁賽向HKES,隊友們以及所有粉絲道歉. 儘管HKES極力替我爭取,但我
還是無法參與本季比賽. 再一次向HKES道謝,謝謝他們給我機會並協助我將來的發展.