【LMS 職業聯賽】2015 LMS 夏季聯賽 Week 7 Spotlight
【2015 LMS Smmer Split VODs, Schedule and Highlight 】
2015 LMS 夏季賽 VOD
2015 LMS 夏季賽 7月賽程
2015 LMS 夏季賽 Highlighs/Bigplays
HKE 於第七週確定奪得季後賽第三張門票,MSE、TPA、M17 都對最後一個名額虎視眈眈,
Week 7 solidified top three spots in the standings as HKE locked in their
third place spot in the playoffs. With only one spot left open in the
four-man gauntlet, MSE, TPA and M17 are all looking to keep their hopes alive.
1. Standings
LMS 列強 ahq 與 FW 在對上 MSE、AS 以及 LGS 時都展現極佳的宰制力,但若對手換成
近期急起直追的 HKE,則誰都無法保證結果將是如何。HKE 上次在閃電狼手中拿下一勝,
本週更是打出了 5 勝 1 敗的戰績。但棘手的問題仍盤桓不散,Raison 由於 Riot 全球
While AHQ and FW still displayed dominance by trouncing over MSE, AS and LGS,
it is unclear if they have the ability to win over a surging HKE squad. HKE
triumphant in the first game over FW, going 5-1 in the week. However their
biggest challenge lies ahead as it was revealed that HKE’s Raison will not
be able to participate in the playoffs due to eloboosting prior to a global
Riot rule change. It remains to be seen which AD will fill Raison’s shoes.
原先很有機會在本週贏得季後賽資格的 MSE,似乎被遊戲外的問題困擾著,LOFS 受失眠
所苦,而選手之間也有棘手的語言與溝通問題,他們與 M17、AS 戰成平手,本週只得到
2-4 的戰績。TPA 本週似乎嗅到了一些重返榮耀的契機,Pony 雖在千呼萬喚之中抵達台
灣,REFRA1N 與 JAY 的選手組合卻是現階段的勝率保證,在被 HKE 直落二之前,TPA 因
連續兩場勝利所以積分急起直追。所有隊伍之中,M17 的實力最難被評斷,他們能用
Dreamer 的大棒棒海扁 MSE,對上 LGS 卻像是一團散沙。第八週第一場賽事便是 M17
對上 TPA,誰將展開希望的羽翼?誰又將剎羽而歸呢? [此應作鎩(ㄕㄚ)羽而歸]
MSE looked distracted and weak, missing a chance to clinch their playoff spot
with ties to M17 and AS, and going 2-4 on the week. Star player LOFS was
reported to suffer from insomnia, while communication issues still plagued
their shot calling. TPA seems to have sensed a chance to enter the playoffs
and have solidified their roster with REFRA1N and Jay, while sidelining HK
player Pony who has yet to jell with the team. So far they have pulled off
two Bo2 victories before falling to HKE. M17 is the hardest team to judge,
while they looked solid behind Dreamer’s performance against MSE, their play
was perplexing versus LGS. Week 8’s first match between M17 and TPA will be
crucial, tune in on Wednesday to catch the last week of LMS regular!
2. Meta-Watch
當刺客於強勢 meta 中遭到封印,西門是少數懂得解除封印的人。控場法師較高的持續輸
出與打出 play 的能力,令維克特、阿祈爾與卡莎碧雅成為近期最典型的中路英雄。LMS
夏季賽以來,中路刺客出現的比率僅有 23%,西門就貢獻了 ⅓,他在 24 次選角中共有
17 次鎖定自己的 meta。
This is not an Assassin’s meta. Control mages simply pack more damage and
play making abilities these days, with picks like Viktor, Azir and Cassiopeia
stretching the boundaries of the what should be expected from the mage
archetype. Only 23% of mid picks were assassins, and Westdoor single handedly
contributed a third of them, with 17 out of his 24 picks this season being an
是,他的阿璃仍不足以魅惑眾生。本週西門終於有新角色浮出檯面 ─ 黛安娜與塔隆,這
四場比賽中,西門僅有一次無法全身而退,ahq 拿下了所有勝利,他的 KDA 更高達 32。
As teams auto banned Fizz and Westdoor’s Ahri seemed lacking, Westdoor
seemed out of options. This week finally got a glimpse of the assassin cards
Westdoor has been holding: Diana and Talon. Westdoor died once in four games
while slicing through his opponents to 4 straight wins and a 32 KDA.
"This is quintessential Westdoor. He won’t win you in cs in lane, but he’ll
always arrive before you in fights." - FW Analyst Fluidwind on how assassins
work for Westdoor
LOFS 的茂凱好 op,那何不將計就計?Dreamer 與 Hanji 發明出一套完美策略,「汙冰
柱」與「爆破酒桶」的連技讓 LOFS 被攪和得七葷八素,被偷取雙防的健壯樹人最終只能
倒下。Dreamer 的選裝令汙冰柱的冷卻時間大幅縮減,儘管 M17 沒有拿下系列賽,他們
卻為極度注重拉打與進退的 poke 陣開發出有趣的輔助角。
How does one deal with LOFS Maokai? Why not hook him into your team? This is
exactly the answer provided by Machi’s Dreamer and Hanji. Together they
knocked back LOFS multiple times with a Pillar and Explosive Cask combo, then
instantly killed the MSE star player with Dreamer stealing his resistances.
Dreamer’s build of max Pillar and CDR provided a constant obstacle field
against MSE. Though he could not overcome MSE in the end, they did show an
interesting support choice for poke comps going forward.
Dreamer:「沒練過那個combo,就是柱子很 op。」
“We didn’t practice the combo, the pillar is just OP.” - M17 Support,
古拉格斯的選角值得一提,因為 LGS 的策略同時達到混淆選位與搶角的功效。LGS 在藍
方首選酒桶,接著奪走了雷珂煞,讓 M17 Hanji 拿不到任何前期強勢的打野角色。LGS
The Gragas support pick is noteworthy for introducing both a flex pick and a
denial pick at the same time. LGS first picked Gragas on Blue side then
snatched up Rek’Sai as well to deny Hanji all of his early game junglers.
The gambit paid off, LGS was able to take their first win in the second round.
“The reason we don’t see him is because he’s too good of a Jungler. Gragas
is very strong bot.” - LGS Support, Ysera
3. Player of the Week
HKE’s Olleh
For Making Plays, 84.3% Kill Participation, 1st Among Players
在 HKE 與閃電狼的戰役中,Olleh 驚人的操作與遊戲意識,讓本週之星的頭銜實至名歸
當閃電狼籌謀著運用雷葛爾與慎「淺(X)潛(O)水艇式」的突襲開戰,Olleh 單純運用直覺就
第二輪賽事,HKE 只在對上 ahq 與閃電狼時輸了兩場比賽,LMS 也首次出現三列強鼎立的
Olleh 將團隊成就歸因於 Raison 從「單排型選手」到「團隊型 carry」的轉變,過程
中他亦貢獻了許多心力。如今 Raison 將面臨全球禁賽一年的處份,Olleh 能否對他的下
Olleh is our PotW for carrying his team over the Flash Wolves with a dazzling
display of mechanics and game sense. Faced against a ‘submarine’ comp in
Karsa’s Rengar and Steak’s Shen, Olleh interrupted the majority of FW’s
engages with pure prediction, and even turned towards the offense with a
flash Monsoon to secure the team kills. HKE has only dropped two games in the
second round, losing to AHQ and FW. Overall, they are on a 14-3 streak,
creating the first triumvirate ever seen in the LMS.
Olleh attributes their success to his molding of long-time friend Raison from
a solo-que player to a team oriented carry. Now with Raison receiving a
one-year global ban, can Olleh have the same effect on his next botlane
Olleh:「來到台灣以前,我認為 SworArt 是最好的輔助,但現在我想告訴他,我的珍娜
"Before I came to Taiwan I thought SwordArt was the best support... but I
want to show him that my Janna is better." - HKE Olleh
4. Game of the Week
HKE vs FW: Game 1
雙強對決,同時也是 LMS 頂尖輔助之間的對決。有趣的是,蛇蛇與 Olleh 都分別在彼此
地區中受到褒揚,蛇蛇在韓服上具有相當高的知名度,Olleh 則是被台港澳社群公認為最
擅於遊走的輔助選手。遊戲初期,Olleh 的嗜血珍娜拿下了對 Kkramer 的第一個擊殺,
之後 HKE 的每一次擊殺 Olleh 也都有所貢獻,同時他沒有忽略保排的職責,多次阻斷閃
電狼的突襲。這場 poke 與強開的經典對陣,無論如何都不該錯過。
This game was a showdown between two of the best LMS’s supports, FW’s
SwordArt and HKE’s Olleh. Interesting enough, they have each garnered a
following in the other’s region, with SwordArt being praised by many pro
Korean AD players as an outstanding support, while Olleh has been recognized
by the Taiwan community as the best roaming support. The game started with
Olleh’s Janna out dueling the FW bot lane for first blood on Kkramer. Olleh
ended up participating in every single HKE kill, while simultaneously
thwarting the majority of FW’s engages. This game is a classic in the
struggle between poke and hard engage comps and should not be missed.