Re: [外絮] Olleh FB

作者: Windancecat (貓砂)   2015-07-31 20:16:06
※ 引述《Lemon2528231 (檸萌)》之銘言:
I announce important things for my fans.
1. Your messages
If you send message to my personal facebook, I will check it but i won't be
able to reply it.
如果你們直接留言在我的個人臉書 我會看 但我不會回應
If you send message to my fan page, I will check it and I will try to reply
it. ( But there are many messages , so I can't reply all messages. Please
understand my situation )
如果是留在粉絲專頁 我會看而且我會試著回覆 但是太多留言 所以無法一一回應
=> I am trying to talk with my fans but It's hard to take all.
So, If you leave comment on my posts, This will be the best way to
communicate with me.
Because i can solve same curiosities.
我試著要跟所有粉絲們聊天 但是很難
所以如果你想要多跟我互動 最好的方式就是在我的貼文上留言
2. Bad words
People who use bad words have some problems.
I have met many people in online and offline.
I realized that haters are unhappy , negative and don't have confidence.
When i saw haters at first time, I felt so bad and depressed.
But now, when i see haters, I feel pity to them.
So I wanna help them and give my love to them.
I can understand haters because i was hater and negative to everything.
酸民很討人厭 酸民到處都是
酸民不僅憤世嫉俗 負面 還非常沒自信
當我第一次見識酸民的威力時 我感到十分的難過
但是現在 我只可憐這些酸民
所以我想要幫助他們 讓他們感受到我的愛
我可以瞭解酸民 因為我曾經也是酸民
=> When brazilians said gay to me , It really hurted me at first time.
After i accepted it , I made 'But no gay' and i enjoy this situation.
I feel that i am growing up with all affairs.
If you have some suggestions or opinions to me, just tell me and i will think
about that.
Thank you for liking me. ~~
如果你們對我有任何的建議或意見 直接跟我說 我會當作參考

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