※ 引述《Lemon2528231 (檸萌)》之銘言:
: Hello~
: I announce important things for my fans.
: 1. Your messages
: If you send message to my personal facebook, I will check it but i won't be
: able to reply it.
: If you send message to my fan page, I will check it and I will try to reply
: it. ( But there are many messages , so I can't reply all messages. Please
: understand my situation )
: => I am trying to talk with my fans but It's hard to take all.
: So, If you leave comment on my posts, This will be the best way to
: communicate with me.
: Because i can solve same curiosities.
是否給我的訊息太多 還是我原本回的就不夠?
粉絲頁有千萬篇的PO 我一直都跟隨你的筆墨
讓你貼 讓你去亂捧 以為你 有天會感動
關於撒破 我裝作無動於衷
: => When brazilians said gay to me , It really hurted me at first time.
: After i accepted it , I made 'But no gay' and i enjoy this situation.
: I feel that i am growing up with all affairs.
: If you have some suggestions or opinions to me, just tell me and i will
: about that.
: Thank you for liking me. ~~
: 連結補上:https://goo.gl/kVcFVN