jabari (Still不敢開槍的娘娘腔)
2015-08-05 02:02:23※ 引述《immadman ()》之銘言:
: ================= 以上為外絮文板規發文須知 請詳閱後ctrl+y刪除 =================
: 就沒事來賺一下P幣
: 希望還沒有OP
: 簡單說就是我打歐服剛好看到LMS的川島登上頁面
: http://tinyurl.com/qhdm7mm
: 順手一廂情願的開啟新一屆的翻譯大賽這樣
生命 就該浪費在無聊的事情上
原文為 Emily ''LynnMinmay'' Rand 於 8月2日所撰
Coming soon to a Solo Queue game near you – if it hasn't already – is the
Troll King in the bot lane. First played this split in Taiwan's LoL Masters
League, support Trundle also debuted recently in the west thanks to Fnatic's
Bora "YellOwStaR" Kim. An explosion of Solo Queue popularity has followed
with a surprising amount of success.
While the oddball pick was first considered experimental at best, and
trolling (mind the pun) at worst, there's a lot more behind Trundle support
than the restlessness of an undefeated team or enraging your Solo Queue
最近你會發現 SoloQ裡面越來越多戳王之王在下路戳你了
而在我們偉大的法國人 Fnatic的當家輔助-黃星 (出國保證班) 也在LCS EU試用以後
各大SoloQ的使用排行榜上 川島(特朗得)的出現機率也大為增加
而且戰績還不錯 Q皿Q
當然~ 你還是可以說隊友選什麼川島輔助GG 3b0, /ff 20min plz.
事實上 這隻角色是非常深奧的 代誌嘸系憨人想ㄟ甲簡單
Last year, Trundle took to the top lane as a possible answer to breaking the
seemingly endless reign of Shyvana and Renekton. With his formidable
ultimate, Subjugate (R), Trundle steals 20 percent of his target's magic
resistance and armor while healing for the damage done, making him strong
against tankier champions who stack these resistances.
In a post-Cinderhulk world, Trundle appears ideal, and has seen play in the
top lane from Edward Gaming's Yang "Koro1" Tong, Invictus Gaming's Zhihao
"Zzitai" Liu, and Snake's Xuan-jun "Flandre" Li with varying amounts of
success. The troll king was also trotted out for a successful jungle stint by
KOO Tigers' Ho-jin "Hojin" Lee in a recent match against Incredible Miracle.
去年, 川島就是被歸類在上路 誰叫當時龍女跟鱷魚那麼IMBA
剛好川島的大絕(R) 就是可以完美康特這時期的大男(女)聯盟
大絕先偷你個20%雙防, 又能打你 又能吸血
然後在前陣子的餘燼時代, 川島也有被EDG 的 Koro1, IG 的 Zzitai
以及 Snake的 Flandre 選出來打上路 (啊就康爆你肺的大男陣啊)
也有人選來打將狗 像是 Koo Tiger (前虎牙 前前GE) 的 Hojin.
However, with other stronger top lane options in an increasingly diverse
meta, Trundle finds a new home in the bottom lane, offering the same
resistance shredding while also adding zone control in smaller lane
skirmishes. Trundle's Pillar of Ice (E) not only zones out opponents while
also applying a slow, but knocks back anyone who happens to be directly
underneath it.
Combined with bonus movement speed, attack speed, and healing from Frozen
Domain (W), his ability to control the terrain of 2v2 and even 2v3 engages
makes him an annoyance to those who try to start fights or gank his lane.
With another slow from Chomp (Q), Trundle makes everyone around him sticky
enough to win just about any trade.
"As a support, your primary role is to be annoying for the enemy team,"
YellOwStaR says of the pick. "You are not really able to peel for your ADC
[with Trundle], but you can catch easily and slow."
http://imgur.com/TUDPK40 <