實況主遊戲ID:annie bot
實況內容簡介 或 實況主擅長英雄HighLight (須逾20字):
Who are you?
Hello, my name is Jared. I have recently graduated from UC Berkely with a
bachelor's degree in mechanical enginnering. I have been playing League since
the end of Season 2
How old are you?
Who is your favorite champion?
I love me some Urgot!
What do you do when Annie is banned or picked, or mid is taken?
Normally, I play Janna, Leona or sometimes I play Annie as a support. If i
have to top I usually play Nasus(or Annie). However, I'm terrible with Nasus,
so if I can't get the support role... then it's gg wp ff20.
What's your favorite Ainne Skin?
My absolute favorite, of all time, is Classic Annie. Goth Annie and Red Riding
Annie both come in a very close second. However I also like Annie in Wonderland
, Panda Annie , and Forstfire Annie
How can I contact you?
Best way is to send me a message over twitch, I usually respond within 24-48