Re: [閒聊] OLLEH FB

作者: Pellaeon (秋風孤劍李鴻章)   2015-08-19 00:16:29
翻譯所求者 不外乎信達雅
內容信實 意思通達 文字優雅
前面幾位 除谷歌翻譯者外 皆屬佳作
信達已至 然雅者尚有未盡
今以菲淺之才 為本版翻譯略盡棉薄之力
加之分享心得 與眾人切磋討論
I am sorry to toyz.
I have thought he is captain of my team until now.
時至今日 吾仍視其為我隊之首
When i came to taiwan at first, i talked with him many times.
回首初來寶島 與之交談多次
I hang out with him and was really friendly with him.
相攜出遊 共伴同行 視如己出 當為至交
I told him everything at that moment.
吾以肺腑之言相告 以能言之事相告
Also, I discussed with him about our team.
乃至本隊之謬誤罅漏 皆不諱言
Then we fixed our problems.
吾等齊心協力 俾補闕漏
After coach left, i was trying to be coach. But i failed because i didn't
至教練叛逃 吾將重責一肩挑起 重任一力承擔
make enough scrim.
然吾功虧一簣 未能為山 此誠肇於團練之不足矣
Then he was trying to help me to make scrim. But its over job to player.
雖椅Z欲助我一臂之力 然此終非一選手能為之事
So we got people who can make scrim.
於是 吾等招人募才 助我團練
After this moments, our talk was less and less.
其後 吾與椅Z漸行漸遠 不復曩昔
I felt he is difficult to me.
There was big barrier between me and him.
隔閡漸起 嫌隙遂生
Then, i was upset at his saying on stream.
而後 其於實況之言 我心實悲
I posted about my feeling because i couldn't talk to him.
吾有感而發 發於臉書 書我悲憤 憤吾不能與其交談
Then he said sorry to me and i accepted.
椅Z知其咎而謝我 我亦接受而甚慰
But i still couldn't talk to him after that.
I knew our relationship had problems but it was hard to fix these for me.
吾知與椅Z之情 頗有損壞 然此垣之毀 難修甚矣
About our ban&pick, i discussed with toyz and dinter in hotel room.
至於禁選 吾與二子嘗論於逆旅
We made ban&pick together. It was clear.
禁選之定 實共決而成 明白無誤
Main problem is that there was still barrier between me and toyz.
只嘆萬丈宮牆 仍立於吾與椅Z之間
After each match, i didn't talk a lot with him.
賽後 吾仍不能與之多談
There were short talks like 'hey what we gonna ban?' , ' whats our
compoistion? '.
徒有言不及義者如 "嗟,何處將行?" "何組將為?"
It was Q&A. It was not conversation.
此為簡答 實非詳述
Before last match, he was talking with jj.
決戰之前 其與傑傑相談
So i was waiting for his ban&pick because i made some ban&pick in my room.
吾仍殷殷盼其禁選 並待獻吾房中之術
But i didn't talk to him because time was so short.
然時短情長 不及表白
I believed him and didn't say my opinions.
吾深信其終能引我致勝 遂不言吾之淺見
I had to talk to him or discuss with him.
吾應將吾之策盡告知 亦或與之論言
After last match, i went to dinter and asked him "hey why we didn't pick
決戰之後 吾趨而謂丁皇 "嗟,何無選希?"
Because i always talk with dinter after i felt difficult to toyz.
吾與丁皇私交甚篤 起自與椅Z不合之時
I never think toyz is idiot.
吾自始至終 未視椅Z為下愚者
He is the person who i can believe without asking.
I think It happened because of my character.
此事之所以至此田地 皆始於吾之本性
I had to try to talk more when i felt barrier.
隔閡嫌隙萌芽之時 吾應早圖之
I was caring of myself .
Although his seat is next to me in gaming house, i have been too far from him.
席近人遠 咫尺天涯
I am so sorry, i wanted to make toyz champion again.
吾甚感負之太過 亦欲使椅Z重登王座
It was my dream.
I have been so honored to be with him.
與其共事 榮甚幸甚 殊遇難得 光宗耀祖
Thank my captain.
作者: melody523212 (莫文偽)   2015-08-19 00:35:00
作者: xerioa044438 (CMpen)   2015-08-19 00:37:00
就知道是鴻章 可以別快忘記就刷存在感嗎q
作者: rosseforp113 (媽寶教授)   2015-08-19 00:46:00
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作者: jojobird7878 (jojo)   2015-08-19 01:08:00
作者: crazysheeper (瘋狂綿羊兒)   2015-08-19 01:22:00
靠 真的必推XD
作者: friends11101   2015-08-19 01:32:00
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作者: handsomlaugh (香甜肥宅)   2015-08-19 09:26:00
幹 最討厭文言文惹o'_'o
作者: vovovolibear (vovo熊)   2015-08-19 09:41:00
作者: x86112002116 (手一些 handsome)   2015-08-19 11:26:00
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