※ 引述《ODFans (只發中肯文)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/nds32ko
: 給懶得看的
: Jatt預測排名
: 1. iG
: 2. FNC
: 3. ahq
: 4. C9
: 優勢
: 1. Ziv抗壓強
: 2. jg甚至是mid連同下路滾動雪球
: 3. 西門的Diana加入了他的口袋
: 劣勢
: 1. 西門的角色池還是很有限
: 2. 西門每10分鐘平均輸2.4cs
: 3. 如果上或中沒頂住對方給的高強度壓力 jg勢必要幫忙上或中 下路滾不到雪球就慘
I think Westdoor’s limited playstyle, while strong and polished,
can be punished. I also think that their winning bot and top lane
that they leverage so well in the LMS won’t be there to leverage
against the competition in this group. Because of that, I don’t
see them advancing into the knockout stage .3rd place.